210mm Raquin KT vs 210mm TF Denka?

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i know the denka grind can vary, but i always assumed KT was a thicker workhorse grind. is it not?
Profile and weight being similar could just be coincidence. In my experience having owned multiples of each one, they are very, very different knives and cater to different uses. The KT being more of a heavyweight (in terms of geometry, not outright weight) that can take a bit more abuse while keeping a very crispy edge, assuming you have a 145sc core, while the Denka is going to be a better all around cutter, but requires a little more finesse in use. YMMV, but that's my hands-on experience with both. I'd also guess that the Raquin blade is more balance forward, especially if you have a Yo handled TF.