240mm equivalent of takamura R2?

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Senior Member
Jul 4, 2022
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Hi everyone.

I have a Takamura 210mm R2 which I love, but I find it a bit too short. What is a 240mm knife that is similar? I've previously been recommended blazen ryusen but they don't seem to make them with the western handle anymore.
Shibata R2 240mm Koutetsu. I purchased it when compared with the Takamura due to the longer length and WA handle. I have been very happy with it. I bought my parents a Kei Kobayashi 210mm, but he also makes a 240mm. It's just as nice as the Shibata with a more pronounced belly. Not sure if not having western handle is a deal breaker for you.

If it must be a western perhaps a Tojiro R2?
Akufusa SRS15.

Gesshin Kagero SRS15.
+1 on Ashi/Gesshin Ginga Stainless. I had both the Ginga and Takamura r2 for a while. Takamura had better edge retention but as a home cook it wasn't too stark of a difference and I prefer the Ashi steel for sharpening and durability. Both had comparable cutting performance for me. I ended up gifting the Takamura to my mom who loves it.

Blueway normally has them in stock at a good price.
Thank you for the suggestions everyone. Some very interesting knives. Unfortunate many are unavailable or don't ship where I live (UK), but I'm looking at importing ones if I can.

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