Broken knife, broken heart.

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Senior Member
Mar 4, 2011
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So one of the sous chefs at work stuck himself today while breaking down some cooked turkeys. While he was tending to his wound the village idiot, he thought Julia child invented the julienne I'm sure there's at least one in every kitchen, knocked his henkles chefs knife off the table and it broke in two cleanly down the middle. Now this wasn't just any knife.... His mother bought this knife for him as a gift when he began his culinary career. It had a crack in the handle that was penned to be remedied by a trip to spa martell. He is truly torn up about it and was just wondering if anyone had an old 8" henkles classic that I could grab from you. Would be happy to compensate if need be. Maybe this should be in bst?
And this is why this community is so f'n awesome. I feel like I know some of you better than a good majority of my family. Both sad and commendable but the truth. Rock on guys, and gals. Rock on. Thanks dave too btw for making this all possible.
I've got an 8" henckel's I picked up from JCPenny in the late 90's. I'd be happy to donate if you need it. can send a photo if it matter.
this forum is just so much better then the german one...
Just wanted to say thanks again to all that replied. Everyone's generosity is just amazing.
Just wanted to say Ben is very happy and greatful for the knife. Thanks Knerd =)