Clever marketing gimmick or.....

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Jul 11, 2015
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Just saw this interesting Anthony Bourdain hosted short film (part of the Raw Craft series).
What really caught my attention was Kramers use of meteorite iron which he incorporates into his blades. Would certainly help to justify the crazy prices his work commands.

Well color me skeptical with regards to a meteorite improving the metalurgical properties of steel... I suppose it heavily depends on the meteorite and even then probably only bits and pieces can be used. It seems like there's a high chance that one contains some, or even a lot, sulfur. Which of course is the last thing you want in your steel :scared4:. Nice video though.
Not unique to Kramer as Del Ealy and Randy from HHH also have occasionally put together knives incorporating meteorite in the steel.
The meteorite is a bit nostalgic and cute, but probably not a major sales point. I don't think Mr. Kramer needs to worry about gimmicks to help sell his products right now.
pretty sure Kramer doen't need marketing gimmicks. People wait for years with the hope of getting picked in the lottery to get onto the waiting list. And it really is like winning the lottery -- he will sell you a knife for 1/3 - 1/4 the price you can get for it on eBay.
Not unique to Kramer as Del Ealy and Randy from HHH also have occasionally put together knives incorporating meteorite in the steel.
The meteorite is a bit nostalgic and cute, but probably not a major sales point. I don't think Mr. Kramer needs to worry about gimmicks to help sell his products right now.

I don't think it's supposed to be a gimmick anyway. It's just like Damast I guess - doesn't really improve Functionality or Performance but makes it more unique/beautiful/special what have you... Of course I wouldn't be surprised if some big manufacturer came around the corner tomorrow and would start to try selling meteorite as the next best thing. Kai Shun Astroid series anyone?
Everybody has wanted to put meteorite steel in their knives since the early 1950's when the book the "iron Mistress" followed by the movie of the same name came out. Legend has it James Black used it in Jim Bowies' knife even though no one can really prove there was a James Black making knives.
Space steel, its rare and cool. The end.
The same as having a rare wood handle and mammut ivory ect. Good for nothing but cool.

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