Contacting Marko

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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2015
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Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone knows if there’s any other way of contacting Marko if he’s not responding to his Insta msg.
His last post on IG was May 11. The link to his website is dead as is his domain. I know he has had some health issues in recent years but thought they were behind him. I will PM you the email address I have.
Thanks for reply all. Since all of yall already tried but still failed. I think I will just forget about it. Hahaha.

Thanks again yall.
Marko is notoriously difficult to reach and communicate with. I have attempted several times and every single time that I have started to work with him on something, it fizzles out.
His knives are beyond reproach but I would not trust that a project started will be completed.

I know that Marko is Ukrainian and would imagine the last year has been a very difficult time to focus on knife making, especially seeing as it seems to not be a full time endeavor for him.
His website is no longer active which is a bit of a red flag.
Marko is notoriously difficult to reach and communicate with. I have attempted several times and every single time that I have started to work with him on something, it fizzles out.
His knives are beyond reproach but I would not trust that a project started will be completed.

I know that Marko is Ukrainian and would imagine the last year has been a very difficult time to focus on knife making, especially seeing as it seems to not be a full time endeavor for him.
it may matter (a lot actually) where he is located...

(I'm also interested in his work, it looks stellar)
Not sure about that. The WH I got had an over grind (hole in the edge near the heel) and I had to return it.
Interesting! I have had three so far and they have all been straight, well ground, with seemingly stone flattened bevels.

Interesting to hear that some of his work has potentially been leaving the shop in less than ideal shape.

How long ago did you get yours?
To be clear. My understanding is that Marko is located in New York somewhere but is originally from Ukraine
thanks for jogging me memory, let's call it a senior moment ;-)

I know I read he's in NY, it just did not pop up....
Interesting! I have had three so far and they have all been straight, well ground, with seemingly stone flattened bevels.

Interesting to hear that some of his work has potentially been leaving the shop in less than ideal shape.

How long ago did you get yours?
It was from the mass drop in late 2019
Folks - the best way to reach Marko, in my experience, is [email protected] or pm me for phone #.

I agree- difficult to communicate with overall, but those two avenues have been best for me.

DB Edit - Removed phone # from public view. Thanks DB - you got to it before I could.
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Folks - the best way to reach Marko, in my experience, is [email protected] or XXX.XXX.XXXX

I agree- difficult to communicate with overall, but those two avenues have been best for me.

We should not be publishing his phone number in a publicly searchable forum - unless that is a business number of his.
We should not be publishing his phone number in a publicly searchable forum - unless that is a business number of his.
I don't know if he has a dedicated business phone, honestly. However, I've used that number to talk to him about knives I've ordered (business). I'm happy to take it down if folks feel strongly that it's not appropriate. Ultimately, the lines are pretty blurred for a single -owner/employee business between a home number and a work number. This I believe to be a mobile phone. If someone really takes issue with it, please PM me, I'll consider, and potentially take down. In no way do I want to reveal private information.
Is the number that was posted the same as the number on his Instagram page? If so, it might be okay to have it publicly posted in this forum…

I’ve found him not the easiest to contact. When I have gotten in touch, discussions haven’t ended up going anywhere.

However, he has certainly had issues with health and I’m sure the war has had impacts.

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