Dogs of KKF

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What a cutie! Mini Doxie?
Yup. I have three now.
Update on Adele (17y7mo)… it is soon time to let go of her 😢

Had a bit of a sad morning on Friday. We went to the vet about Adele's "panting attacks", well, spells of panting, both faster and lighter, but also, a bit slower and heavier, that she has had more often now.

We assessed her overall condition, her physical and cognitive capabilities, mobility, pain management, quality of life, etc., and concluded that it might be best to let go and give her peace.

While she has her good moments still, there are fewer and fewer of those as time goes by.

So, with her quality of life being weighed, the cup with the negatives now hangs lower and heavier than the cup with the positives.

Some short-term improvements to her condition could be gained with more effective pain management and medication, but in the end, that would mostly be just superficial care as it can't cure old.

17 years and seven months, and out of those, almost eight happy years with us. She is so precious and loved.

I arranged for a mobile veterinarian to come to our place on Wednesday to give her a peaceful and dignified end at home. I am not really looking forward to that but... waiting would mean prolonging the inevitable, and possibly, her pain.

But, before all that, I will spend as much time with her as possible, going out in the sun, etc., and giving her as many treats as she wants. She has deserved all of that and more.

Here are some pics from the weekend, went out to a nearby park with my niece. She has taken care of Adele on occasion, and wanted to come by and say her goodbyes. Lovely time in the sun and shade.

I am not really looking forward to that but... waiting would mean prolonging the inevitable, and possibly, her pain.

I am so sorry that it has come to this, as it inevitably must. I have heard many a vet say: "Better a day too early than a day too late."

I also love this sentiment for moments like these:

This body is not me; I am not caught in this body, I am life without boundaries, I have never been born and I have never died. Over there the wide ocean and the sky with many galaxies, all manifests from the basis of consciousness. Since beginningless time I have always been free. Birth and death are only a door through which we go in and out. Birth and death are only a game of hide-and-seek. So smile to me and take my hand and wave good-bye. Tomorrow we shall meet again or even before. We shall always be meeting again at the true source, always meeting again on the myriad paths of life.

-Thich Nhat Hanh

From across the world, love to Adele. And peace and comfort to you. ❤️
Update on Adele (17y7mo)… it is soon time to let go of her 😢

Had a bit of a sad morning on Friday. We went to the vet about Adele's "panting attacks", well, spells of panting, both faster and lighter, but also, a bit slower and heavier, that she has had more often now.

We assessed her overall condition, her physical and cognitive capabilities, mobility, pain management, quality of life, etc., and concluded that it might be best to let go and give her peace.

While she has her good moments still, there are fewer and fewer of those as time goes by.

So, with her quality of life being weighed, the cup with the negatives now hangs lower and heavier than the cup with the positives.

Some short-term improvements to her condition could be gained with more effective pain management and medication, but in the end, that would mostly be just superficial care as it can't cure old.

17 years and seven months, and out of those, almost eight happy years with us. She is so precious and loved.

I arranged for a mobile veterinarian to come to our place on Wednesday to give her a peaceful and dignified end at home. I am not really looking forward to that but... waiting would mean prolonging the inevitable, and possibly, her pain.

But, before all that, I will spend as much time with her as possible, going out in the sun, etc., and giving her as many treats as she wants. She has deserved all of that and more.

Here are some pics from the weekend, went out to a nearby park with my niece. She has taken care of Adele on occasion, and wanted to come by and say her goodbyes. Lovely time in the sun and shade.
I wish tomorrow would never come. Beautiful dog and I'm glad at the very least she lived a long, happy life.
Adele’s journey and adventures in this mortal realm of ours ended today at 10:45 AM. Her passing to the happy hunting grounds was peaceful, and as good as anyone could hope for.

It was preceded by an hour out in the morning sun, gently strolling about our old haunts here in Arabianranta, and a meal of six chicken nuggets and a homemade hamburger: 150 gram premium beef patty cooked medium, mayo on the pan fried potato bun top and bottom, and some Heinz ketchup in between.

She still had good appetite, and gave out a burb after drinking fresh cool water to her satisfaction. She never got out of her bed afterwards, zoning out with her tummy full until it was time to go under.

At 10:30 AM, the vet from PetMobiili arrived. We did the paperwork for the cremation first, then moved on with the rest of the proceedings.

Adele was already somewhere out there when the sedative was applied. I stroked her forehead as it took effect, and she was soon sleeping soundly.

The rest followed after a few minutes, and within another few, her heart had stopped and she was no more.

It all went as peacefully as one could hope for. I was left with her for some minutes as the vet went to fetch the means to transport her to the ambulance… and then we carried her in, and I said my final goodbyes.

It will be a while until I am over this, but I am content in the knowledge and understanding that this was the right thing to do for her.

I hope that I gave her a good life, but I know that I gave her a good death. That is about as much as any one of us can hope for.

So rest in peace, my good sweet pup, and know that you were loved so much, and by so many. We will miss you forever ❤️‍🔥

Of Loss

“From the corner of my eye, I reflexively look for something that is there no more. This expectation, akin to something embedded in muscle memory, now unfulfilled, clashes with reality, and the memories flood in.

No more seeing if I startled her from her sleep due to a sudden noise I made, no more looking for that sweet loving gaze looking back at me when I turn my head towards her, just to see how she is doing. So many "no mores"…

Her presence here now? She is everywhere, but as memories, ghosts of things that were before. Those remain, both good and bad, and the sadness that now fills my heart.

That is the price of love, and caring, with such loss coming grief in an equal proportion… but also gratitude, gratitude for having had her in my life, of all the good we shared, and of all of the things I was able to give to her.

There is also the gratitude for all the good she brought into this world, people's smiles, lifted spirits, and the friends she made along the way.

So today I said my goodbye to her, bowed down, gave her a kiss on her forehead, and in a breath drew in her still warm puppy scent for one final time.”
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Those water glasses look like Mexican handblown. There are videos of how they make them one at a time roll the glass rim in cobalt blue glass put back in fire to fuse it. These are 16oz tavern glasses we use them all the time smoothies, ice tea & water. Sometimes beer like they were made for.