fantasy football league for knife nuts, the second attempt

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I set up a Private, 10 team, PPR League on ESPN, but I need an email address from whoever wants in so I can send them a league invite. PM me and I can send one to everyone to set up their team.
Im in & would keep track of team (not be that guy with an injured RB & empty slot at WR come week 8). Playing for some kind of knife related prize would be decent - 10 people throwing in $20-25 a head could muster up a decent reward, or even $15 a head could cover a solid petty.

I hope the buy in is closer to $30-40, if there isnt much in the pot people who start off 0-4 tend to give up. that being said im down for whatever. Has anybody here used leaguesafe before? Its like the "standard" for fantasy football winnings. They securely hold the money and whoever wins is paid the same day they win.
Alright, I'm not gonna be free/around computer til tomorrow but I got a break & working off my phone here, so far

-There are 7 teams registered

-2 PMs I received that I sent league sign-up info to that have not set up teams yet - MowgFace & Chuckles

-1 remaining free spot left if both above set up teams

So MowgFace & Chuckles, set up your team or let me know if you need sign up info re-sent.

We got one free spot left, whoever is down to get a team PM me for set up info. Once we got all 10 teams set and the league locked we can go over & vote on prizes, etc...

Let's have the draft at 6:30 on a Saturday night. Im sure everyone will be free then.:hungry:

Oh, and go O's!
Yeah, Friday or Saturday Night draft ain't hapnin. Weeknight (Mon or Tuesdays, Wednesday maybe) could work since common days off.

We still need One Person then the league is set. PM me to get a team, fill the last spot and we can put the rest in motion.
Guys, I started a thread on the message board at the fantasy league. Just wanted to hear everybodies thoughts on when we can get a draft together. And Cmon!!!!!!!!We still need one more person so Easy13 can get the ball rolling!!!! Somebody with some influence needs to twist Knerd's wrist and get him in the league. If memory serves he was interested in joining last season.:)
We got some time, better to draft close to start of season (injuries, whose starting where, etc...) season starts 9/4, throwing out draft days- Mon 9/1 or Wednesday 9/3, not sure about folks plans for Labor Day Weekend - Sunday 8/31 at night could work too. If none of those days work we can do earlier - Sunday 8/24, Monday 8/25. I put a poll up on the League message board, no need to bomb here with draft day discussion updates.

Twist whoever's arm to fill the last spot, the sooner we have a closed league and set draft day the easier it is to secure the day & time we prefer on site
Sorry guys... I just got a chance to check in.

Info sent to easy13.
Joined the league.... ready to draft now...

Let's the fun begins.

I am in if you need an extra, only issue is im travelling from 22-29 so cannot do a live draft

KCMande and welshstar, you guys should PM easy13 and see what he wants to do, he set up the league and is the commish. Im pretty sure we wouldnt mind expanding to a 12 team league though.
KCMande, I got back to your PM, as for making league 12, I believe I can change that, I'm on vacation for the weekend but should have some wifi/computer here and there but if I add KCMande then I gotta add another person (can't be an 11 team league). Whoever that person wants to be -PM me your email address and I will add you along with KCMande, but do it soon so we can finalize this stuff, set a date... If I don't have 2 more teams soon (KCMandee + 1 other) I am going to keep league capped at 10 and go ahead with setting a draft date based on what day works best via vote.
League invites sent to KCMande & Rogue, league is now 12 team once they sign up, lets keep it at that. Im out of town til monday, lets set a draft date/time sooner then later, will get on it when Im back.
Ok, the league now has 12 teams and is set and final, no more entries. No one has given any input on the draft date/time besides a semi consensus it should be on a Monday/Tuesday since some of us industry folk have our days off then and weekends is a no go. I have set the draft for now at 8:30 pm on Tuesday September 2, with a Snake draft and the pick order to be computer generated an hour before the draft. I can change that and will put a poll up on the league discussion board.
I am on line at that time, Ill just set my laptop up on my station, wont be the first or last draft i do on the clock. its kinda nice being the guy in charge.
I just posted this in the league board but most people haven't been voting on time/day or responding to topics so I am going to post it here too

I have been randomly checking in on the poll here and got one PM and Its now sunday night and there are only 2 votes on the league poll for draft time (both for the current set time - tuesday @ 8:30 pm, and one response that came in today a 2 am from Panda in this thread for Monday along with the first post in this thread from Craig for a Sunday or Monday. I am not getting back into town til late tomorrow night and there has been no overwhelming response since i put the poll up days ago so I am keeping it on Tuesday but am open to make it whatever time works best for the majority - 7/8/9/10 o'clock, don't matter to me. So, if anyone one has a different preference for time on Tuesday or we could probably still switch it to Wednesday if there is an overwhelming amount of folks that want it on that date, let it be known SOON

As for the prize, lets start a general conversation on -

- how much people are willing to put in $20, $30? $40......
- If we want the prize to be a knife(s) or if the money one should just be used to get a knife

If the buy-in is agreed to be a larger amount like $30 or $40, $ 50 then there can be a 1st place & second place prize. If the majority doesn't want to spend much we could throw in at least $10 a head and 1st place could win a serviceable petty (suisin inox, Hiromoto, etc...) If everyone throws in just $12 then 1st place could win a Nenox G Type Petty or something like that.

Lets get the conversation flowing, any ideas are welcome, better posted in the league board then here since the majority of folks on KKF could care less than to be updated on the going abouts of the league

Just from experience with talking to some of the guys here in the past I can tell that we have different preferences for knives so its probably a better idea to just have a cash prize. But this is a fantasy league of knife geeks, so it seems customary to blow the winnings on a dream knife or atleast help fund a knife purchase/stone purchase. i mentioned already on the league page that i was hoping to set the buy in between 30-50bucks but we can dip alittle lower if necessary. I think $30 bucks is a good middle of the road buy in, personally.