First Whetstone for my KamaUsuba

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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2019
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United States
Hello, I am new to the forums and i recently purchased Japanese White Steel KamaUsuba
Currently in culinary school and a coworker recommended the green brick of joy. I was wondering if you agree with his recommendation or have any other suggestions.

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Please give more information.

- What is your sharpening experience.
- How dull the knife is
- Do you mean first stone as in a progression or a first for you to buy ?
Please give more information.

- What is your sharpening experience.
- How dull the knife is
- Do you mean first stone as in a progression or a first for you to buy ?
Experience: Close to none, I'm new to the industry
The knife is still decent, it has great edge retention, and this would be the first ever whetstone I buy
What other knives to you plan to sharpen and what is your budget ?
First you should seek more informations about single bevel knives and practice on other knives before and really grasp the concepts and not screw up the ura side.

You will get many opinions, here is mine :

As for you burdget, keeping in mind you need a something to keep your stone flat I would go with a King Deluxe 1k and the JKI diamond plate. The King will have good feedback which you need and leave a nice edge, plus you will get a even/dark contrast on clad/core steel. If you're from the US you can get them at JKI. Later on you can get a coarse and a fine stone. The King Deluxe 1k doesn't deserve all the hate it gets and is used by sharpeners way more skilled that its naysayer.

The Naniwa Green Brick is slow and loads up and is far from optimal for a one stone setup and a beginner
First you should seek more informations about single bevel knives and practice on other knives before and really grasp the concepts and not screw up the ura side.

You will get many opinions, here is mine :

As for you burdget, keeping in mind you need a something to keep your stone flat I would go with a King Deluxe 1k and the JKI diamond plate. The King will have good feedback which you need and leave a nice edge, plus you will get a even/dark contrast on clad/core steel. If you're from the US you can get them at JKI. Later on you can get a coarse and a fine stone. The King Deluxe 1k doesn't deserve all the hate it gets and is used by sharpeners way more skilled that its naysayer.

The Naniwa Green Brick is slow and loads up and is far from optimal for a one stone setup and a beginner
Thanks a bunch for the advice :)
As you suggested, I only ever intended to sharpen my usuba after getting plenty of practice on my other knives. I'll be sure to look into the King, I've seen it around but had heard mixed reviews
King Combo is fine...

King stones are fine...actually very good they just get muddy and wear faster than more expensive stones, but they sharpen just the same.
If it’s sharp I feel use a King gold 8000 and watch a few Japanese sharping videos.
Go slow all it needs is a small amount of work since it’s new.
Green brick of joy is likely the worst stone I've ever owned. It is said to be decent on cheap stainless but on good steel i found it ******... couldn't unload it fast enough.

That said, the market is full of very good stones.

I think you'll want to start with only a finishing stone and though i know nexr to nothing about single bevels I'm guessing something in the 8-10k range.

Good luck!
Thanks for the heads up on the green brick of joy, for now I'm getting a Shapton Pro 1500
I'll get something with a higher grit later on