Flipper alert

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@Sweetlou You just don't get it. Imo it's totally fine to call out the OP how he started his WTS post. But just after several hours not even waiting for OP to respond calling him a scammer without any foundation and later on continuing in the flipper alert thread. I think this is bordering on libel.
All of this just because Corrado is a miserable old man who likes to play Sheriff.
He has no interest in buying or selling and so often is a negative space in an otherwise usually nice and friendly community.
What exactly don’t I get? I said when you post pictures of something you want to sell, here or anywhere, you include pics of the item in its current state. Anything other than that is simply misleading.
Fox Tv Popcorn GIF by The Four
There should be a health warning on that hot sauce......it addles the brain.
I had a kurosaki gyuto in AS a couple years ago that I really liked - it cut great, very similar feel to my Yoshikane.

I’m not convinced that handle elevates a decent $300 blade to $2000 unicorn territory though.
Agreed, one of my first knives and liked it a lot but yeah it was like $260.00. I am sure this is worth more but not that much more. Anyone want to offer him a Kamon on trade?