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Ah, that's understandable. All though I must say I think numbering adds to the collectors appeal to your knives.

Just placed my order for one yesterday. Can't wait. I have design ideas swirling around in my head.
Happy New Year Dave! Are you holding out on us? I haven't seen any new Martell knives posted or many re-handles for that matter. I hope you aren't holding out on us with the pictures. If I don't get something soon I might stop grazing your page here to look for "porn" as my wife calls it and then the universal balance will be thrown off. I don't think you want to be held accountable for throwing off the universal balance, do you?

Here's to a great year for everyone and know this will be the best year yet for Mr Martell :)

Kind Regards

Hi Bryan,
You busted me bro - I've been a super slacker on my knifemaking the last couple of months. I have been busy as hell with rehandle work though, you need to check out the last few pages of this thread. :)

Good news though, I'm working on Martell knives this week, started tonight actually. I've got 4 knives laid out with woodworking started on all but one. Tomorrow I'll start grinding on steel and seeing what I get. Gyutos are up first and then it's suji time.

Thanks for the kind words and wishes. Same back at ya Bryan! :)

Take care,
Great to hear Dave. I did check out the thread after I posted this. That last one is really awesome. I really like what you did to allow the full sharpening of the edge and have a bit of unique look as well. Don't let anyone tell you that you are not progressing with your work, it would be a damn lie. You need to expand your shop and get some more guys in there to help you with rehanldes and such pretty soon when your knife making starts to take off. One thing I have learned whether you are a Chef or in another business, it's all about the people around you and your friends, and the more successful you wish to be, the more friends you will acquire & require if you wish to reach your goals and ideals. And they will come when you know they will. Look forward to seeing some more 100% Martell work, not that the rehandles aren't amazing. It's finally time to fully sharpen my Hiro you did.

Kind Regards,

Bryan, you have to be one of the most positive people I know and I'm glad that there's people like you around. :)
...[Dave] you need to expand your shop and get some more guys in there to help you with rehanldes and such pretty soon when your knife making starts to take off. One thing I have learned whether you are a Chef or in another business, it's all about the people around you and your friends, and the more successful you wish to be, the more friends you will acquire & require if you wish to reach your goals and ideals. And they will come when you know they will.

I think Dave needs a workshop full of elves in a remote location ;)

Show me a negative person who is successful and I'll show you you're full of ****! :) All about what you think my friend. EVERYTHING comes from thought. It's a scientific and spiritual fact. Glad to be around like minded people.

Kind Regards,


PS ... by elves we mean grown people of miniature size don't we? It's not like a Nike workshop of "elves" in a "remote location" is it? We want Dave in business for a looooonng time and able to sleep at night! :p
Here is Dave's 300mm Martell O-1 sujihiki in dyed box elder burl scales, fiddleback maple bolster, with copper liners & pins.

This was a tough one to shoot pictures of - it's too shiny. :)

Thanks for your incredible patience with me Dave.








Dave! You maniac. That looks KILLER! MAKE A 210!!!! :loll: Sorry did that seem threatening with the caps. Sorry....
Here is Dave's 300mm Martell O-1 sujihiki in dyed box elder burl scales, fiddleback maple bolster, with copper liners & pins.

This was a tough one to shoot pictures of - it's too shiny. :)

Thanks for your incredible patience with me Dave.


Holy crap. That came out perfect. The fiddleback and copper go great with the dyed box elder. Easily in my top 5 favorite handles of yours Dave. Where did the box elder come from?
Thanks guys! :)

The box elder came from the customer, maybe he'll post where he got it as I'm not sure.
Loving the wood bolsters, and you know I love copper hardware! :hatsoff:
Beautiful knife.
I really like the copper with the wood.
Man thats ugly!

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Yeah, that unnatural blue wood, all squiggly and no straight lines anywhere. Very un-German ;)

Well, Dave, that's about as close to a perfect execution of my vision as you can get! Outstanding.

Here's the back story...One of the best parts of my day is driving past a little stretch of beach just south of Kin-cho, where I work, in the morning.
The ocean is a beautiful blue, with hints of sand bar peeking through in spots and the sun glinting off the water. I wanted my knife to embody that image.
I picked a block of wood from an e-bay vendor (staburl), and gave Dave free reign. We discussed various bloster materials at length, only to decide on nothing.
I got a cryptic pm asking only if I "liked copper" somewhere along the line. I didn't ask why. I had no idea what the final bolster material would be. The finished combination was up to Dave, and it was almost like he was reading my mind.

The maple represents the sand of the beach; the burl, the blue of the water with its color variations and swirling eddys; the copper pins the reflection of the sun.
I may be a little biased, but in my opinion it all works together magnificently! Only drawback is that it's too friggin pretty to use! I love it.
Well, Dave, that's about as close to a perfect execution of my vision as you can get! Outstanding.

Here's the back story...One of the best parts of my day is driving past a little stretch of beach just south of Kin-cho, where I work, in the morning.
The ocean is a beautiful blue, with hints of sand bar peeking through in spots and the sun glinting off the water. I wanted my knife to embody that image.
I picked a block of wood from an e-bay vendor (staburl), and gave Dave free reign. We discussed various bloster materials at length, only to decide on nothing.
I got a cryptic pm asking only if I "liked copper" somewhere along the line. I didn't ask why. I had no idea what the final bolster material would be. The finished combination was up to Dave, and it was almost like he was reading my mind.

The maple represents the sand of the beach; the burl, the blue of the water with its color variations and swirling eddys; the copper pins the reflection of the sun.
I may be a little biased, but in my opinion it all works together magnificently! Only drawback is that it's too friggin pretty to use! I love it.

I love the story and the handle turned out perfectly, IMO. Congratulations, Dave and good work, Dave. :lol2:
Too pretty to use... maybe, but why have it if you're not going to take pleasure in using it everyday. I don't know if you just made up that story after seeing the knife or not, but that's the best story I ever heard for the creation of a piece of kitchen cutlery.
With that backstory, wow, the handle matches perfectly indeed :D
Too pretty to use... maybe, but why have it if you're not going to take pleasure in using it everyday. I don't know if you just made up that story after seeing the knife or not, but that's the best story I ever heard for the creation of a piece of kitchen cutlery.

Nah....believe me, it'll get used allright. I still have 23 cases of 112A's to blow through! :dazed:
Story's true. I'll have to dig up the pic that inspired it.
That handle would look completely different if I was still living in New Jersey, that's for sure. (exit 14c by the way :D)

Now I just have to sweat out the shipping. Usually about a month or so.:(
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That makes me want to sharpen and use my Hiro! Very reminiscent. Yea that shot Jim posted is the "money" shot fo suuuuurrrre

PS.... universe is back in balance... thank you Dave
See Dave, Ecchef's choice only further proves what I've talked about with you in the past. Envision something and leave it to the maker. Beautiful story and beautiful knife to match. Great

Kind Regards
