Hello from Hida Tool

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Jan 24, 2019
Reaction score
Berkeley, CA

I'm Kou from Hida Tools & Hardware Co. in Berkeley, CA. Many of my customers told me about this great forum and I decided to join today. We're working towards opening a full on knife store in bay area (not anytime soon), I'm here to learn and maybe able to help answer questions in this forum.


First welcome to the forum.

Please make sure this and any future threads cannot be perceived as promoting any products or services that you provide. Promotion is reserved for our sponsoring craftsmen, hobbyists, and vendors.

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Hida tool is a great shop, local, friendly vibe and been around for ages...
Hello Kou! You're right around the corner from me. I keep meaning to stop by, and think I finally will this weekend after my weekly Tokyo Fish Market run. Great to have you here!
Welcome kou,

Please consider joining as a sponsor so you can participate freely. I’m sure the exposure and feedback you get from this forum would be more than worth it.

Been to the store many times over the years. Glad to see you join.
Thank you all very much. Though my initial intention was to help answer some questions some members may have, we will consider becoming a sponsor. We have been expanding our knife selection and been doing interesting stuff like designing our original knives, custom knife ordering, manufacture visits, etc. We may be able to do fun stuff like taking polls on materials and have them forged and built in Japan.
Welcome Kou, I lived in Berkeley for 5 years and never got a chance to check you guys out! It would be nice to have more selection in the East Bay, I know Bernal Opened sometime last year in Oakland too.