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Active Member
Jul 16, 2020
Reaction score
San Antonio, Texas
Howdy all,

I found my way here from ChowHound through a link to a thread. I should have probably found this forum sooner. I'm in the process of doing some home renovations with the final step being a kitchen renovation which will end up with replacing the range among other things with induction. Anyhow, I found CH while looking at cookware, and along the way started looking for knives which is how I found my way here. I currently have some relatively mediocre knives and then I acquired a Kyocera Innovation ceramic knife set. After seeing the Project Farm video about knife sharpening I acquired a Chef's Choice 15 Trizor electric sharpener and went to work on my mediocre knives. They're much improved, but I'm still not really happy with the performance of the mediocre knives and the ceramic knives were great when they were new, but probably need sharpening which is something I'm not so easily equipped to do myself.

Long story short, I'm here to learn, most likely to ask for recommendations for where to go next. In the process of renovating my kitchen I've had to wholesale replace all my cookware, and I guess if I want to be happy with my knife performance I should start looking to do the same with my knives.

Thanks for having me.
I guess I don't have permission to post a thread elsewhere yet, but I filled out the questionnaire and I am looking for recommendations. Based on my reading, I think maybe I should start with something basic to get a feel for it and maybe learn to sharpen before I buy anything fancy. Looks like a lot of people think the Tojiro DP series is a good place to start.