I have a knife that I would like to identify. I cannot read japanese, so I don't know what written om the knife. But I think maybe it is written blue steel on one side. I also think it is a Honyaki knife because of the hamon.
Can someone help me identify maker and sharpener from the picture? (or just translate the text)
Thank you very much!
PS: Bonus question. It has a dentokogeshi sticker on the ferrule. Is it possible to search the serial number to identify the knife?
I have a knife that I would like to identify. I cannot read japanese, so I don't know what written om the knife. But I think maybe it is written blue steel on one side. I also think it is a Honyaki knife because of the hamon.
Can someone help me identify maker and sharpener from the picture? (or just translate the text)
Thank you very much!
PS: Bonus question. It has a dentokogeshi sticker on the ferrule. Is it possible to search the serial number to identify the knife?