Kato Alert

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Have a 210 and would have loved a 240.

Thank you very much Sebastian, fingers crossed on my order of a 180 ;)
I placed an order through PayPal. I think their stock is off though as you can add 10+ of each knife...
All "Knife Merchant" (San Diego) questions - I work around the corner from these guys and have been over to them / bought (in person) a bunch O' stuff ... no knives though as it has been more checking them out.

PM if you want me to drop in and see what this is all about ...

Hi All,

I'll stop in there in the AM to check to see if this offer is legit or not. Will get back to everyone here ...

Reminder to everyone that I am still looking for DT Damascus Stainless (my very own "Kato") but I am not inferring that this would help anyone's individual cause - since that would just be rude ;-) ....

All "Knife Merchant" (San Diego) questions - I work around the corner from these guys and have been over to them / bought (in person) a bunch O' stuff ... no knives though as it has been more checking them out.

PM if you want me to drop in and see what this is all about ...

After a quick search, one of the youtubers has a line with Knifemerchant.com.

Some guy named hiroyuki terada.
I ordered the 210 Damascus Kato and received an email saying that my credit card will be processed. I guess I'll wait and see.
I also placed an order for a 180 and 210 (11:33AM Pacific). Their business is M-F, so I expect most of us will be getting "Sorry ..." e-mails tomorrow.
I'm not gonna complain about getting a kato for under current market value!
They must have a very large inventory if they deliver to all interested parties that have expressed interest. I had understood that Kato was not going to produce any more Damascus knives. Could this be the last of that type on the market?
I'm willing to bet that they have 2-3 of each, but no more than that.
Well I guess we cleaned out their inventory unfortunately, I procrastinated way too long before I hit the buy in my cart! Oh well, I might save several hundred dollars tomorrow ;-)
Very much so. Has anyone seen a Damascus kato nakiri/santoku before?