Kitaeji Polishing

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Founding Member
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
Shigefusa Kitaeji 180mm pity with patina.

Polishing with fingerstones
At the end of video there are pics of before and after.

Enjoy :chefcut:

I love watching your videos. Makes me think I need some finger stones, then probably followed by some stitches in my palm and the tips of my fingers super glued back on. Very nice work!:thumbsup:
Damn. I think my partner will have to be in another room of the house entirely if I start doing this... just watching the videos gave me those familiar eerie chills when fingering a sharp knife. I don't think she can take looking at it happening.
Actually, looking at the technique, other than because we're masochistic knife nuts, is there a reason why you can't use fingerstones on a small knife with the blade facing away from your palm and fingers?

I can understand with a bigger knife how you could need to address the blade, but for a petty and suji?
is there a reason why you can't use fingerstones on a small knife with the blade facing away from your palm and fingers?

Very good question.

I always face my fingers in the direction edge to spine and not spine to blade.
You have better feeling of the blade if it is against the slope.
Japanese sword polisher do it this way too.

If you have concerns of safety reason just remove your wa-handle off and make it like in the video of the suji:

Or if you are lazy to remove the handle than make a wooden stage to put the blade on.
Damn. I think my partner will have to be in another room of the house entirely if I start doing this... just watching the videos gave me those familiar eerie chills when fingering a sharp knife. I don't think she can take looking at it happening.

Myt girlfrend is not home when i do that :biggrin: