KitchenKnifeForums: A Boulevard of Broken BST

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There is a paradox in what a knife maker must achieve (lower prices to increase demand, higher prices to make a living), but discussing those two goals doesn’t constitute a contradiction.

When the conclusion of the two articles specifically state points of advice that are contrary to each, they are by linguistic definition contradictory. Even within the same article there are statements, when looked on fully and analytically, are contrary to their stated meaning.
I'm behind on this one, but....

How many people patiently tried to correct eric in the you-know-what thread? Did he stop? LMAO no he just went even more into it and he was hardly the only one, just the most obvious. T

And after two years we find that Eric was right - or at least more right than those "correcting" him. Got your 23rd Booster yet?
I'm behind on this one, but....

And after two years we find that Eric was right - or at least more right than those "correcting" him. Got your 23rd Booster yet?

Vaccine discussions! I’ve missed them so. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Heh afaik it has always been, and still is, a very good idea to get vaxed. Gonna get boosted again soon.
I am just glad my coworker who was fired for not getting the vaccine is hired back as a contractor working remote. The thing is we suggested the company should do exactly this at the time he got fired, but they had to make a ”moral” stand:pullinghair:
I'm behind on this one, but....

And after two years we find that Eric was right - or at least more right than those "correcting" him. Got your 23rd Booster yet?

Folks like you are the reason Im a former Floridian.

"Eric was right" lmao the suggestion that you even possess the tools to evaluate that is one of the funniest things I've ever heard in my life. You really think you're people lolololololololol
I s2g I cannot believe that the Dunning-Kruger effect was just a statistical anomaly if you just gave me Dave's posts as evidence that it existed I would be sold within seconds.
Any way we can trade Dave for Barclid?

I will make up the rest of the donation difference if it's permanent.
There's plenty of people like me, just not on forums because this sort of place is too old fashioned.
Which begs the question, why are you still here? With your intellectual superiority, advanced education, young spirit and blatant hate for this place and many of its members why not leave, it worked for Florida, maybe we can be as lucky?
Which begs the question, why are you still here? With your intellectual superiority, advanced education, young spirit and blatant hate for this place and many of its members why not leave, it worked for Florida, maybe we can be as lucky?

mostly to look at natural stones and maybe buy stuff off BST.

also you mistake me completely. I dont hate the people here. I save hatred for genuinely awful people. Being terminally wrong hardly warrants hatred.
mostly to look at natural stones and maybe buy stuff off BST.

also you mistake me completely. I dont hate the people here. I save hatred for genuinely awful people. Being terminally wrong hardly warrants hatred.
I apologize, strongly dislike.
I am just glad my coworker who was fired for not getting the vaccine is hired back as a contractor working remote. The thing is we suggested the company should do exactly this at the time he got fired, but they had to make a ”moral” stand:pullinghair:

Very glad they could work it out. 👍

There are parts of me that appreciate the employer’s former position, i.e. they’re trying to make a blanket vax policy, and if they make an exception for this one person then not getting vaxed becomes a work-from-home card, which maybe they don’t want to allow. But it’s a complex situation, and I appreciate having some leniency and understanding here. Even though I personally think it’s not a big deal to get vaxed, some people do, and it’s not clear to me whether the benefits of a strict policy outweigh the negatives. Maybe not in this case. Anyway, very glad for your coworker.
I am just glad my coworker who was fired for not getting the vaccine is hired back as a contractor working remote. The thing is we suggested the company should do exactly this at the time he got fired, but they had to make a ”moral” stand:pullinghair:
I’m pro vax and find it weird they wouldn’t work with him. People looove making theatrical stands. Prove your point for yourself, not for others/clout/what have you.
I s2g I cannot believe that the Dunning-Kruger effect was just a statistical anomaly if you just gave me Dave's posts as evidence that it existed I would be sold within seconds.

I still don’t get why, if you don’t hate people here, your posts are always so charged. Like, what are you hoping to achieve? I thought you made a reasonable point in the other thread about whataboutism, but I had to force myself to appreciate it because my initial reaction to the vitriol is “ugh”. I’m sure many people feel similarly.
I still don’t get why, if you don’t hate people here, your posts are always so charged. Like, what are you hoping to achieve? I thought you made a reasonable point in the other thread about whataboutism, but I had to force myself to appreciate it because my initial reaction to the vitriol is “ugh”. I’m sure many people feel similarly.

Im not aiming to achieve anything, other than this being a discussion forum and I sometimes discuss topics.

As far as my posts being charged, gotta say that 1. I think that might be a matter of perception that then gets escalated. Lot of folks here are unused to hearing no and 2. I am completely uninterested in mollifying my language. It's either fine or it isn't, per the mod staff. To be clear, I do not value the takes of the people here as to the pleasantness of my framing unless it's a matter of the forum participation rules. With some exceptions though I will state I care far, far more that they think I am a person who acts with integrity around BST deals.

You know that soapbox I have about you can either take the criticism of what youre doing or stop doing it? I don't exempt myself from it. I dont expect anyone to say they like me, think I'm smart, learn a lesson, change their behavior or whatever. I merely state what I think.
I’m pro vax and find it weird they wouldn’t work with him. People looove making theatrical stands. Prove your point for yourself, not for others/clout/what have you.
I am pro vax too, especially at the time given the information we had at the time. I didn’t like that it became a witch hunt and a moral judgement of people’s character. Too much hysteria and theatrics to make some feel better instead of clear, logical decisions.
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My hospital made swift decisions on WFH, and quickly repurposed those offices. Four years and counting of bigwigs getting bigger offices, and creating more bed spaces. Guess which one happened first?
Him being an obnoxious prick violating forum rules is not enough?
He was always abrasive and combative but thats not unique around here. I must have missed something that took it over the edge.
Let's just change the subject to TF like always.

In retrospect we should have known there was an actual zero percent likelihood anyone would want to address the topic seriously rather than just be all pissy about someone's blog. Oh I'm sorry, journalism.

So anyway, who's got some pictures of overgrinds?
They are here with the only mission to stir drama, man! I have not seen a single post of them where sharing knowledge, selling/buying knives and non-knives, or reccommending others when they need ideas. The only thing I saw from them was screenshots of this user and that user that did this wrong and didn’t do this right. So yeah, better without them. I could care less about their “respect”. They’re useless here!