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Gave my new (and first ever!) SG500 a whirl today and it’s so nice, can’t believe I ever bothered using anything else at that grit.

It’s fast, it’s hard, it is slow to dish, it doesn’t glaze very quickly, and I was able to work out the scratch pattern with an Imanishi 1k in about 10 minutes.

Me 🤝 Shapton Glass 500
Yeah, I like that stone as well! That and my SG2000 are my go-to stones these days.
Yeah, I like that stone as well! That and my SG2000 are my go-to stones these days.
I grabbed a SG2000 at the same time but haven’t tested it out yet, if it’s anywhere as good then I will be very happy


Gave my new (and first ever!) SG500 a whirl today and it’s so nice, can’t believe I ever bothered using anything else at that grit.

It’s fast, it’s hard, it is slow to dish, it doesn’t glaze very quickly, and I was able to work out the scratch pattern with an Imanishi 1k in about 10 minutes.

Me 🤝 Shapton Glass 500

For a delirious second I thought of a different SG500.


oh and


Here I have knife #1 from a very exciting up and coming new maker (it’s me).

This mini herb cleaver has been immaculately forged and ground by a refreshing young new sharpener (it’s also me).

Edge is nail flexing thin (if by nail you mean you hit it with a hammer and nail, and even then I don’t fancy the nail’s chances).

I am hoping this will be picked up by a collector of his (my) work, and so I am pricing this at $3.6k.

Thanks for looking!

In all seriousness, this was way more fun to make than I anticipated it would be, and I predict a future branching out into forging… Added a lil Denka notch for the TF fans.

I also have a newfound respect for blacksmiths making this stuff, it’s hard, sweaty, and dirty work!

"See, everyone was supposed to be kept in the dark about this group." - PM FoH Manager

"And that's why all you managers involved with this group, are running around like chickens with your heads cut off." - Me

Ran up the stairs up to the top floor
Opened up the door there, guess who he saw? (who?)
Dave the dope fiend shootin' dope
Who don't know the meaning of water nor soap
He said "I need bullets, hurry up, run!"
The dope fiend brought back a spanking shotgun

Hey Taylor, how was the wedding?

“Aw man. Us hooligans cleaned up nice. Nobody died; nobody got naked.”

Tell your daughters not to become OR nurses lol

We have a surgical tech who doesn’t hold parties on his farm anymore. Too many spouses having sex in his barn with other people’s spouses.
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Hey Taylor, how was the wedding?

“Aw man. Us hooligans cleaned up nice. Nobody died; nobody got naked.”

Tell your daughters not to become OR nurses lol

We have a surgical tech who doesn’t hold parties on his farm anymore. To many spouses having sex in his barn with other people’s spouses.

Hospital workers are in a league of their own… worse than FoH and BoH staff

Hey Taylor, how was the wedding?

“Aw man. Us hooligans cleaned up nice. Nobody died; nobody got naked.”

Tell your daughters not to become OR nurses lol

We have a surgical tech who doesn’t hold parties on his farm anymore. To many spouses having sex in his barn with other people’s spouses.
OR nurses guarantee awesome dinner-table conversation.



"We're going to use Rock Shrimp. They're the small little ones." - Executive Chef

"View attachment 323429" - Me


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