Kkf just a place for knife sale profit?

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back in the good old days they didn't have carrot sticks, so why should you TSF415??? they had popcorns. and they were better then, i tell ya!
You’re right. Anyone have some vintage popcorn they forgot in a cupboard somewhere that I can buy for 5x the price?

ok I’m going to stop now because I’m not really on either side and I’m just trying to stir the pot but now I’m even lost with what pot I’m stirring.
I've been enjoying this discussion, even though it has nothing to do with me.
I collect nothing, except money, I may be a minimalist, but what I have, is nice.
I read this site daily; ok more than that, as a method of learning about knives I will not eventually buy.
All I can say about flippers, is that it seems like a lot of work for the percentage gained. I am happy to place my money in holdings that accrue nicely without having to lift a finger to do so. This makes me think it is an ego thing if you follow my drift.
But it makes no difference to me, I really enjoy watching the for sale section every day, I dont know what I would do if I wanted to buy a piece, I have no PayPal account.
My best to you all.
Geez, if you thought BST was bad. You should see the flipping going around in other hobby forums. Case in point, Supreme ;) just seven words which make you the biggest ********* on the planet but people still lap that sh1t up.

It’s not the end of the world if you can’t afford a knife anymore but people are making mountain out of molehills here.
Yo, why the hate man? How else am I gonna catch the drip from my fresh outfits