Looking for a sub-$200 USD 150mm Petty with a thicker spine

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May 17, 2024
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My current Petty is quite a laser, around 2mm at the heel. While I like the cutting feel, I really prefer holding and using a knife with a thicker spine.

So, the plan is to sell my current Petty and buy something else or trade it.

So far I’ve found the following options:
Moritaka Blue 2
Mazaki White 2 KU
Gihei Blue 2 Nashiji
Nihei White 2
Tabata Blue 2
Hinoura White 2 KU

I’m not looking for any help choosing between these, but I am looking for other options that I’ve missed.

Thanks everyone!
Gihei Blue 2 Nashiji
I’ve had the 150 Gihei and it’s very nice. However, If I wanted a 150mm Petty with a decent spine, I’d without question get a hammer finished Yoshikane in SKD. I have the same knife in 105mm and it’s one of my very favorite knives. It’s the only knife I own that isn’t carbon, and I think a petty is at its best in stainless or semi stainless (like SKD which is freaking great steel).

Keep in mind K&T sells the Munetoshi with the plastic bolster though.
My current Petty is quite a laser, around 2mm at the heel. While I like the cutting feel, I really prefer holding and using a knife with a thicker spine.

So, the plan is to sell my current Petty and buy something else or trade it.

So far I’ve found the following options:
Moritaka Blue 2
Mazaki White 2 KU
Gihei Blue 2 Nashiji
Nihei White 2
Tabata Blue 2
Hinoura White 2 KU

I’m not looking for any help choosing between these, but I am looking for other options that I’ve missed.

Thanks everyone!
My hinoura petty has a thick spine and a great taper Sanjo style. Could a be a good.choice