My current Petty is quite a laser, around 2mm at the heel. While I like the cutting feel, I really prefer holding and using a knife with a thicker spine.
So, the plan is to sell my current Petty and buy something else or trade it.
So far I’ve found the following options:
Moritaka Blue 2
Mazaki White 2 KU
Gihei Blue 2 Nashiji
Nihei White 2
Tabata Blue 2
Hinoura White 2 KU
I’m not looking for any help choosing between these, but I am looking for other options that I’ve missed.
Thanks everyone!
So, the plan is to sell my current Petty and buy something else or trade it.
So far I’ve found the following options:
Moritaka Blue 2
Mazaki White 2 KU
Gihei Blue 2 Nashiji
Nihei White 2
Tabata Blue 2
Hinoura White 2 KU
I’m not looking for any help choosing between these, but I am looking for other options that I’ve missed.
Thanks everyone!