Midwest Knife Get Together Fest Hoedown and Wine Drinking Party

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Just some bits and pieces before people start arriving.

Weather: It is warming up. 28 degrees for a high today. Got some snow last night though.

Avatar Expectation: This seems to happen quite often. If you are expecting me to be shirtless and have a handle-bar mustache, you will be disappointed. My avatar is of the lead singer of Gogol Bordello. He can pull that off -- I can't.

The Family: My little baby buddy is named Soren, my girl is Reyka, and my one-eyed dog is Biscuit. The lady of the house and amazing wife who has gone along with this whole thing is Hayley.

Here is another tip shot from some knives last night. And the whiskey bottle is a bit emptier btw.


You guys will need to be put out of your misery by the end of the weekend.

Sounds like a great time.
Cool knife all the same. Expecting a lot of pictures, Gentlemen, some of knives.
I was thinking that a box of band aids might be good to have for this knife drinking soirée but maybe bandages are more appropriate. HA
This is so cool! Thanks for all the pics, looking forward to the rest of the meetup.
There's a lot of beautiful steel on that counter top.
I predict a crap ton of composting in the very near future!
Just so you guys know, we're snowed in here, in Maryland. My wife and I are enjoying wine and beer in many forms while the young princess is asleep in her crib. So during her many restroom breaks I'm checking in here to see the latest. Kind of feel like I'm there with you guys on a three dimensional sort of voyeuristic kind of way. Cheers!