Midwest Knife Get Together Fest Hoedown and Wine Drinking Party

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Wish I could have made it. I did rock the exam that I had to take this morning, which prevented me from attending, though.
Salty did the rib roast.

Glad to hear your sacrifice was fruitful Jacob!
Salty did the rib roast.

Glad to hear your sacrifice was fruitful Jacob!

Thanks! If it had been merely trading an A for a B, I woulda been there with you, but it was a big deal, and I'm almost done with my program.
I am proclaiming Karring and Haylie the King and Queen of knife gathering!!!!
Had a gray time, it was nice hanging out with the crowd that was left one I got out there last night!
Couple knife orphans left behind today. But trying to find your knives was like a needle in a haystack.

Boy oh boy, that was fun. And I don't think I could find a better group of people to talk knives with and also help me destroy my body. A sincere thanks to everyone who showed up and sent knives for us to try out. It all came together quite well. And yes, my wife was an amazingly good sport for allowing this to take place. That Saturday morning debris field would have challenged even the most understanding of spouses -- but she hardly blinked.

At one point I was counting knives and got up to 156, but I am sure some others were hiding. And keep in mind that that knife-laden table in the photo was only one of the staging areas. After making some room for the rib roast, the knives piled up really quickly.

Great to meet some new folks and to see some friends this weekend. Karring and Haylie's generosity is off the charts. Not content with opening their house to thirty people for three days, they catered it, gave us stuff to obliterate with the knives on hand, set up pass-arounds and demo knives from some great makers, and Karring opened up a murderer's row of incredible wines from Booker, Carlisle, Denner, Corliss, and Clos Silene. Lots of other awesome food/drink on hand, too, including Salty's enormous and delicious rib primal.

There may or may not be photographic evidence of yours truly ziplining without a shirt in 5 degree weather. It was that kind of party.
Yes, the generosity, attention to detail, and warmth are far beyond any expectations. You guys were simply amazing.
I forgot about the zip line. I also dunked a basketball for the first time in my life. (Scratch that off the bucket list)
Finally home and starting the recovery process, thank goodness I am off tomorrow. I want to echo what everyone has already said and thank Karring and his wonderful Wife for their hospitality. They are truly generous and amazing hosts. Lastly, it was great to finally meet some more knife nuts and put a face behind the avatars/monikers. All I can say is that the Midwest crew can really throw down, I haven't partied that hard in a while.

P.S. Karring has one of the finest collection of Russian/Ukranian fur hats I have ever seen.
Someone besides me. My memory is really foggy.

I can say for sure that I'm the guy sporting the yellow hat.
When I first saw "Had a gray time" I thought it was a cell phone typo. Now I'm not so sure.:scratchhead: