Nagao alert

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Just curious, are you quoting my earlier response or did you get that info as well? I don't blame Koki if he has a copy/paste database, must get a ton of questions from people.
if anybody wants to get rid of his cleaver later, im interested.
I got a cleaver as well :) my first cleaver!

i had ordered it, straight after my fist post in this thread:)

I also ordeded a Hiromoto Damascus VG-10 Cake Knife 38cm, it must be a most amazing knife, after Januarry I will start cake experiments :)

and a Mizuno White Honyaki 24cm

Fixed myself for X-mas
Bad thing is, after I had ordered these knives, I noticed the Fu Rin Ka Zan Honyaki gyuto 24cm white, most likely white 2, perfect mirror polish, octagonal magnolia handle, white buffalo ferrule for 522USD. Judging by the weight, it must be a pretty thin Honyaki. Quite a deal I think. I don't know how I would had ordered, if I had noticed it in advance.
I got a cleaver as well :) my first cleaver!

i had ordered it, straight after my fist post in this thread:)

I also ordeded a Hiromoto Damascus VG-10 Cake Knife 38cm, it must be a most amazing knife, after Januarry I will start cake experiments :)

and a Mizuno White Honyaki 24cm

Fixed myself for X-mas

Saw the cake knife too and was (still am) tempted, I can see that thing lookin' killer with a rehandle.

The miz honyaki has been calling out to me but I already have the Sukenari honyaki so that'll have to be good enough for now

EDIT - did you get your Tracking info yet for your cleaver? I don't think my number is working (been about 22 hours and Koki said 6), I emailed Koki to see if there's a delay in shipping or something.
Bravo to Master Nagao, for making such a knife as the Cake Knife!
Because of the texture of the cake bread, I think VG-10 will be good for the job. I have tried VG-10 in hard bread crusts and had no problem, slicing better than machine.
Rare, if not unique and most useful
I haven't gotten info yet, I am waiting some days for the Mizuno, to get them all together
Saw the cake knife too and was (still am) tempted, I can see that thing lookin' killer with a rehandle.

The miz honyaki has been calling out to me but I already have the Sukenari honyaki so that'll have to be good enough for now

EDIT - did you get your Tracking info yet for your cleaver? I don't think my number is working (been about 22 hours and Koki said 6), I emailed Koki to see if there's a delay in shipping or something.
sometimes it can take up to 24 hours, I had to wait 30 one time! I bet right around the time he replies you'll get the first tracking update from jp post :razz:
Just wonder mizu honyaki better or sukernari honyaki better?
Been wondering the same thing. Like the weight on the Mizuno but the $ on the Sukenari better.
Sukenari is White 1 (!!!) , hard, with nice profile, pretty thick spine, but very thin over the edge for a long way up. Best hamon ever.

Mizuno, I will have to wait and see. I like White 2.
I just hope, and think it will be on the hard side
Sukenari has octagonal handle for free, as well. Mizuno +28$

I wish they were both western with metal bolster, not to worry about waters, to be 24cm and not 22-23, plus I dont like machis and stuff that much
The Blue 2 is incredibly expensive. Double money than White 2 almost
Here is a video that I found last night, with a cutting edge retention test of a Sukenari ZDP Honyaki yanagiba. The video is from 2013, I dont think this knife is available any more. This is the second part of the video:

Do you mean Mizuno? Mizu honyaki refers to knives that have been quenched in water as opposed to oil.

Sorry sorry it's my bad. I mean mizuno honyaki. Cause I do have sukernari zdp and aogoma super Gyuto. They really performance well. Make me trust this brand . But come to honyaki knife. I never try one before. Just wonder which one will more decent. On the price I can tell the mizuno charged double than sukernari. Lol
I'm confused as to how this became about Mizuno and not Hiromoto....
Has anybody checked the video I posted?
1st part is missing, the guy is cutting rolled newspapers,for 45 min., and after 1015 cuts of folded newspaper, ZDP-189 Honyaki Sukenari Yanagiba, is still sharp!!!

Sooner or later, I have to get something from ZDP-189
Has anybody checked the video I posted?
1st part is missing, the guy is cutting rolled newspapers,for 45 min., and after 1015 cuts of folded newspaper, ZDP-189 Honyaki Sukenari Yanagiba, is still sharp!!!

Sooner or later, I have to get something from ZDP-189
I did watch, I was very worried for the gentleman's hand. Supposedly this store is in NYC, interesting. Yanagi Knife Inc, though it is all in Japanese.

Very interesting video. I too want a zdp-189. Sadly the 240 fu rin ka zan is already sold out :( I really don't want to spring for the damascus it is too expensive for my taste.
I did see the video, had to fast-forward as it was too repetitive lol, but still neat. I didn't know they made a "honyaki"with a steel such as ZDP-189, thought it was always carbons such as blue 1/2 and white 1/2.

Had the Sukenari 270 zdp-189 damascus gyuto (sold on BST) and have the Sukenari 240 white #1 honyaki gyuto. Got a killer Mikey handle to put on the honyaki.
Supposedly Sukenari spends a lot of time and energy researching and developing techniques for modern steel (or so Koki would lead us to believe)... After all isn't honyaki just a differential hardening of the knife? I know that the technique is actually supposed to be quite difficult with a high rate of failure but theoretically quite a simple operation I'm thinking?
Why did you sold your Sukenari zdp tjangula? What did you thought of the size(cutting edge length)?

I dont like that yo knives, are never the size they tell. 240mm and it is between 228-255mm, depending on the maker.

I was thinking till 2 hours ago, to get a ZDP 24cm, now I am thinking a Honyaki whiite 1, 27cm.

Spoiledbroth, I dont know why he calls it honyaki, and what procedures he made, but it is a monosteel ZDP, that yanagiba, unique!
monosteel! must be a bear to sharpen.

yes it is true sukenari I have noticed make the measurement to include the neck of the knife, so effectively you lose 5 or 10mm on the cutting edge. I know TJ sold his just a few months after someone posted a video of a zdp-189 knife with a massive failure (7-8mm deep chip if I recall) and I believe it was the Sukenari damascus zdp-189. Though as a cook I actually I kind of like the 225-230mm range, as a consumer it's a bit of a piss take.
It is! It is not 18-21cm for the line, it is not 24-25 for heavy prep :-(
I only wished Master Nagao, before he quited to had done a western Honyaki 21cm. I would had bought at least 2(2 for me and 1 for a dear chef friend ;-) )
I only wished Master Nagao, before he quited to had done a western Honyaki 21cm. I would had bought at least 2(2 for me and 1 for a dear chef friend ;-) )

I've not quite figured it out, so did Master Nagao retire fully yet or not? I would buy a 270 honyaki made by him in a heartbeat if it came with the fit and finish found on the likes of sukenari or mizuno honyaki's - kind of want the 270 to be my final knife so would require it to be highly finished. Having said that, I'm totally loving his honyaki santoku that I got, to the point and quite a workhorse - does everything I use it for with ease and sharpens easily while at a competitive price!