Polishing knife to emphasize banding

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I just cleaned up some stubborn white patina on my Yoshikane SKD using mud from a synthetic 2k and 5k. Required quite a bit of elbow grease. I wish i had taken a before picture. I tried Brasso first and it wasn't doing to much. For some reason it (names removed) was left with lime juice on it for an hour and it turned dark gray with some spots in it. Gotta bring stainless to other people's houses.
Wow, that really works! I used a blue shop towel (basically a heavy-duty paper towel) with thick pasty mud from my Kitayama; it cut right through the gray hazy layer and made the banding and hamon really pop again.

This was a few minutes' work with the towel:
View attachment 77232

Obviously I'm not done, but I forgot to get a "before" picture so I wanted to get a shot that still had some of the gray haze for comparison.
Try this with uchi powder