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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2018
Reaction score
What's your way to save recipes? Do you use a notebook, an app, or some pc program?
I am using 'thecookbookapp'.

Compared to 'Paprika' the advantage is for me that it allows for a search by tags, by ingredients and also it does not requirs a seperate client on pc but simply has a web site that I can access from any computer that I want. Of course there is also an app that works good and the recipe import from websites and the scanning of images is there as well.
Paprika on the phone is all I need. But I also have a few things on Evernote to keep things spread diversified. Well, because I used that first.
i save documents in multiple formats: pdf and txt mainly.
i keep them reasonably sorted in specific folders, like 'bread', 'ferment', 'pasta', etc.
i sometimes tag the files with meta information, but that's not really necessary, since all **** is indexed, and if i want something i just do a folder wide search for certain ingredients or names of dishes, and all relevant results pops up neatly.
no need at all for keeping stuff in a certain app, or making any extra effort.
my folder system is pretty tidy though, so i can also look for things visually as well, like chapters and recipes in a cookbook.

the files are all on the cloud, so i can reach them from phone, computer, kitchen designated ipad, or whatever.
