Ryoba deba, what can I do with it?

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Dec 30, 2016
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Remember the one time when I wanted the longest possible knife? Now I decided I wanted an immensely thick double bevel deba so I got this 165mm Tadayoshi at 10mm spine. What can I do with it besides breaking down fish? I’ve already got sufficient butchery kit for what I do, including a Munetoshi butcher and a Tosa butakiri as well as honesuki, sabaki, and so on.

Poultry killer, lobster, crab, anything you want to whack hell out of but don't want to use a gyuto.

Rick Theory has some utubers with a (IIRC) Tojiro Yo Deba that are well worth watching. My favorite is 1001 garlic cloves. I think the lobster massacre was also with the Tojiro.

I love my debas and honesukis, and seem to reach for them often as all-around prep knives. But nothing with a spine that thick.