Mizuno Blue #2 Honyaki from @ashy2classy. OG handle had to be destroyed as it was installed very poorly somehow, when I pried it upen tang was very bent and it was expoxied in the top. Thought about blinging this out handlewise... but felt that the knife is pretty enough where just a black handle would highlight how pretty this thing is much better.
Fresh out of the spa and had a chance to debut for dinner today. Wonderful performer, righty ground, felt like a princess.
One thing I was not able to figure out was how to capture the hamon better for pics. Just attached a vid which probs shows the hamon a little better.
Fresh out of the spa and had a chance to debut for dinner today. Wonderful performer, righty ground, felt like a princess.
One thing I was not able to figure out was how to capture the hamon better for pics. Just attached a vid which probs shows the hamon a little better.