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SOLD *Now CHEAPER* Snake sells another modded handheld Nintendo new 3ds xl

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Senior Member
May 17, 2014
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Hey All,

Whats that? Snake's selling another banger of a modded handheld for a great price? You dont say!!

Alright so this one is a really nice unit, it's a Japanese Nintendo New 3ds XL (LL is the japanese coding for XL) in the more rare neon green and black colorway. I've done a ton of work on this thing on the software side. I converted it from Japanese to English, removed the region lock, installed all the modding software (jailbroken) you could want as well as threw a few games on there. This thing is fully modded aka you can throw any 3ds games on here you want if you know where to find them. System is fully functional and lovely to use. Given that you are looking at $160-200 for an English Nintendo 3ds XL in working shape I think my price is pretty nice considering the amount of work that went into getting this thing fully jailbroken and modded ;) oh and you get a handful of free games already installed (see pics) with it because I love you all.

As usual price includes shipping and ConUS shipping only. Also, I'll include a stock charger as well as a usb style charger so you can connect to a normal usb brick

Price = $160.00 SHIPPED

Price Now = $150.00 SHIPPED

3ds xl mod 1 Large.jpeg3ds xl mod 2 Large.jpeg
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My kids (9 and 11) saw one of those in a store and said "Bro, how could you even play on that thing?". Showed them a gameboy for some perspective.
Oh man I remember my first gameboy, was actually a gameboy color and it was amazing. Could only play it in good lighting though because my god were those panels poorly lit. Haha
i think my first one was a gb pocket, but some kid in my class had the OG brick gameboy. gameboys own, but i imagine it's a harder sell for children now that smartphones are ubiquitous. tech was cozier before mobile data...

i think i have my pkmn yellow pikachu edition GBC in a box somewhere!

GBC was amazing except for no backlight. that part blew.
in middleschool, i used to mod them for other kids with LEDs and clear, adhesive-backed diffusers over the display inside the case. was a major quality of life improvement.

i also used to sell gameshark'd pkmn to kids and trade over link cable, lol.
If I didn't have a modded switch - I would be all over this. If you don't have a modded switch, you should take a look at this as an alternative especially if you have kids and want to bring some nostalgia out.
imo the switch ergonomics are bad compared to something smaller, but you probably get used to it eventually.

3DSXL is probably peak gameboying. i'd probably get this thing myself if i still played gameboy games.
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Oh man I've owned a number of modded/hacked Nintendo systems over the years. Had a fully modded GBA as well with an IPS display and the whole works. Currently own a modded Gamecube as well that runs off a micro sd card but otherwise all original hardware. That thing is lovely.

Yeah the 3dsXL really fits that sweet spot of still super portable but very powerful handheld that can run all the ds/3ds games which are often a bit tricky to emulate so having one is nice. I just have a couple and don't need to keep so many, I'd rather someone else get to enjoy it and share them for a good price. I enjoy the process of modding/hacking them. ;)

I had a modded switch but eventually went to just fully emulating the Switch because it unlocks so much more potential for better framerates etc...