Tell Us How You Really Feel: Durian

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Dec 10, 2014
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It's the king of fruits. Over 800 varieties and I love every kind I've ever tried.

What do you think? Feel free to share recipes, but I think it's best by itself, or on top of coconut and pandan sticky rice.
Most disgusting thing I've ever tasted. Only tried one variety, will never knowingly try any or anything associated with it.
Most disgusting thing I've ever tasted. Only tried one variety, will never knowingly try any or anything associated with it.

Where were you when you tried it? I feel like eating durian is an experience-- it's a polarizing food. I won't attempt to change your mind at all, I'm just curious about the where, when, etc.
I imagine it would be very difficult to find in your neck of the woods, in addition to being astronomically expensive and likely overripe.

Just out of curiosity, what is your favorite fruit?

I love a perfectly ripe pineapple or mango. Not always easy to find though.
There is a place in Copenhagen that usually has fantastic mangoes from Peru, but they are quite expensive at around 6 USD per. I get one every once in a while.
Where were you when you tried it? I feel like eating durian is an experience-- it's a polarizing food. I won't attempt to change your mind at all, I'm just curious about the where, when, etc.

I tried it in Singapore 12 - 13 years ago. Tried it at a market, it was supposed to be excellent, just the right ripeness, fresh, etc. I know a few people who love it, I can't understand how that is possible. This makes me think it is something genetic, a person either has the Durian gene or not.... I don't think a person would be able to learn to like it or get used to it.....
I was always told that the best mangos come from the gold coast (in Africa). My g/f always avoids all the south American stuff because she says they're just not as good. I still can't get over the earthy taste tho.
Never had a huge issue with pineapple. Yes they're never ripe when you buy them, but they always riped just fine on the counter. The only difficulty is knowing when to cut it. Same thing with kiwis; you just have to plan ahead with them.
I was always told that the best mangos come from the gold coast (in Africa). My g/f always avoids all the south American stuff because she says they're just not as good. I still can't get over the earthy taste tho.
Never had a huge issue with pineapple. Yes they're never ripe when you buy them, but they always riped just fine on the counter. The only difficulty is knowing when to cut it. Same thing with kiwis; you just have to plan ahead with them.

You gotta try a mango in a place that can grow them local, picked ripe or near ripe from the tree, not the ******** sold in colder climates picked way before it's even fully grown. I don't blame you, I can't eat any of the mangos sold here either but real mangos have absolutely no earthly taste, that's one heavenly fruit.

It’s okay. I like it when it’s worked into a dessert.

My wife LOVES it. First time I had it, was in Thailand. Guy with a cart just hacking off pods. Admittedly, it smells worse than it taste.
Durian is one of my fav fruits, the intensity is too much for a lot of people. I dont think it smells, some people do, I find most cheeses are far more offensive smelling than durian. Always eaten with mangosteens (queen of fruit) together usually at the end.
I dont think it smells, some people do...

my understanding is its banned in some places its so foul :rofl:

Durian's smell mistaken for gas leak in Australia, prompts evacuation

Rotten Durian Causes Hundreds Of Students To Flee Library In Panic
International Business Times UK - 27 mins ago

Science explains why a rotting durian caused an entire university to evacuate
InterAksyon - 1 day ago
My favorite Mango's Purie & Hayden tree ripe of coarse. Can't imagine any mango's anywhere being better than Hawaii. We have the best Avocado's too:D

Another favorite are tree ripe peaches from southern US. So ripe you can peel the skin.
Durian is an acquired taste. I have yet to acquire it.
I've lived in SE Asia twice in my life, for a total of three years, yet still never cared for it. Not that I tried all that often, but it's just never done it for me.
I made the mistake of eating a dim sum dessert that was similar to a cannoli with greenish filling. It took a few hours to get that awful, awful, AWFUL taste out of my mouth. I'll eat pretty much anything, but durian is one of the few exceptions. I was eating pho at a Vietnamese shopping center, and a store had opened a styrofoam crate in the hallway. inside the double doors of the restaurant stunk so badly that I had to move to a far corner.
I absolutely love durian. They can get very expensive for some of the more sought after varieties.

it's definitely an acquired taste and you grown to like it after a while. It's no different to say blue cheese or pungent smelling cheese for many Asians.
we got some pretty nice mangoes in florida. fav fruit is muskmelon

I'd put Florida mango up against anything from Hawaii. I was born and raised in Miami. My Dad built me a tree house in one of the mango trees in the yard, and I'd spend hours up there, staring at the sky and munching mangoes. I think they were Hadens. We had great avocados too, big ones.

Now I'm up in the PNW where the supermarket mangoes are these awful small ones from the Philippines, with an acidic taste even when they're ripe. Good for a salsa and that's about it. Need to find somewhere local that imports better mangoes.

Sorry for the digression. Never had a durian. I'm not a fan of the stinkier cheeses, so I'm not sure I could stomach it.
Volcanic soil, hybrids from best in the world no contest. Hawaii has over 200 varieties of Avocado. Also world record for weight Five pounds 3.68oz Big Island. Many are hybrids Sharwils, Halumanu, Yamagata. Many have Japanese names because the coffee planters on Big Island planted & grafted Avocado's in the rich volcanic soil:hula::hula::hula:

I'm sure Florida has good Avocado's & Mango's
Avocados can have flavor? Here they only have texture at best...
Avocados here suck. They're the giant ones that are hard as hell or super mushy with no flavor.

I don't remember them that way from a childhood in Miami, but that was a long... really long time ago.

At this stage of the global food distribution racket, maybe the avocados you can get there now are from some other country? Or else my childhood memories are through rose-tinted taste buds, which could be the case.

I'm not backing down on the mangoes though! A good, yard-grown South Florida mango right off the tree is to die for. I'm sure Hawaiian mangoes are good too. There are multiple categories of good tropical fruit. Another thing I miss from living in Miami is papaya. And I miss all those really flavorful tiny bananas from Central America.

Avocados can have flavor? Here they only have texture at best...

Avocados don't travel well, so at your latitude and far from the tropics, that's unfortunate but understandable.
The best mangos I've had has to be from India, the Alphonso variety. Pakiatani Kesar and honey mangos also pretty nice. I've had many diffrent ones from Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Peru, Columbia, and probably a few more, but Indian Alphonso still wins by a mile.

Another off topic fruit, Jackfruit, I love it, not as funky smelling as Durian, but very unique smell, taste awesome