The Elephant (not) in the Room

Kitchen Knife Forums

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There is no problem! Undoubtfully you could cherry pick some examples that might offend someone and like in any community there are some asshats running around. By in large this is one of the best and most polite communities around. Anyone with similar interests is welcomed and should feel welcome without any extraneous flapping around needed. Anyone interested in kitchen knives and anything connected to this topic that wants to contribute, discuss, show pictures, etc will find this a great place to be. No one cares what gender, race or species you are as long as you are interested in what the community is interested in. Of course we have to have some activists with savior complex that will blow anything out of proportion to satisfy their need to fight for some group or another whether real or imaginary and whether these groups want it or not. Stop bringing your biases from the outside and try to find examples here and you'll be fine. Try to keep an open mind instead of projecting your issues on others and we can all have a good time. Nevertheless, this will again be discussed in a few month when someone new to the cummunity will bring their issues from other places here and our own social justice warriors will again wake from their slumber to fight the good fight, all business as usual.
this kind of topic comes up every few months, people get a bit frothy, and then it all dies down again

Post in thread 'Why Do We Collect Knives?'
There is no problem! Undoubtfully you could cherry pick some examples that might offend someone and like in any community there are some asshats running around. By in large this is one of the best and most polite communities around. Anyone with similar interests is welcomed and should feel welcome without any extraneous flapping around needed. Anyone interested in kitchen knives and anything connected to this topic that wants to contribute, discuss, show pictures, etc will find this a great place to be. No one cares what gender, race or species you are as long as you are interested in what the community is interested in. Of course we have to have some activists with savior complex that will blow anything out of proportion to satisfy their need to fight for some group or another whether real or imaginary and whether these groups want it or not. Stop bringing your biases from the outside and try to find examples here and you'll be fine. Try to keep an open mind instead of projecting your issues on others and we can all have a good time. Nevertheless, this will again be discussed in a few month when someone new to the cummunity will bring their issues from other places here and our own social justice warriors will again wake from their slumber to fight the good fight, all business as usual.
People make up reasons to be angry, regardless. Hate to see it.
That post is older than I am and I don't know how I feel about that.
It’s been 24 years since that post

21 years since Simon Baron-Cohen published The Essential Difference

18 years since Larry Summers left Harvard

7 since James Damore left Google

Just to say this is a minefield. And for good reason.

On the one hand I hope it is not an over generalization to say the kids are okay, more okay than back in my day

On the other hand there is still a clear gap between the “Overton windows” on either side of the divide not just in terms of content but in terms of style…

Like, this guy is being unabashedly crass, in a style that, more likely than not, will not age well. But he’s okay with not having that audience.

And a lot of us are okay with being his audience. It’s a bit like laughing at a sexist joke. Or do you not laugh? Do you call it out? Times change.

The dudes who roll their eyes at this whole thread and hit “ignore” are, ironically, doing the same thing, just at different granularity, as the ladies – and the lads – who roll their eyes at this whole forum and also ignore.

I don’t know if things will ever change for highly geeky and highly elective hobbies like knife collecting or (going by the comments above) retro-computing archaeology aka “the lost toys of my misspent youth”, nor do I know if change is what society is demanding here. There has been a ton of DEI progress in more impactful sectors of life; that train is continuing to gain steam; and arguably change in those more important sectors can’t happen fast enough. We do see participation in the forums dropping around the time any newborns show up at home, and that is right and good; perhaps what we need is not more women on the forum, but men on the forum less :)

We can debate the harmlessness, or not, of allowing a traditional reservoir of masculinity some acoustic license in the direction of locker-room talk. This shades into an observation about a thread elsewhere—
There's a Reddit post right now where a guy can't feel a burr and everybody's questioning/suggesting everything *except* edge-trailing strokes 😀

The gendered analysis of that thread is interesting, because in the midst of all the guys shouting at the OP to just get better, sharpen less, sharpen more, just give up, don’t give up, there were a couple of redditors saying, buddy, let me drive over to your house and show you man-to-man, hand-to-hand, how to deburr. Which is both a wholesome affirmation of male-coded mission-oriented bloody-minded skills transfer, and at the same time an offer entirely impossible for a woman to accept. Unless it comes from another woman.

Which brings us back to the parable of the polygons.
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