Toyama's Age

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Here's a selfie that Mazaki sent me just 5 minutes ago

Toyama... my stop for pretty much all I want in a knife. Never had a Watanabe, assume I'd feel the same.
Here's a video from 6 years ago.

Thanks. This video mesmerized me. I’ve been wanting a Toyama knife and was holding out for a possible Ku or the dream that Iron Clad was coming back, but after watching that I had to get one now. I think I’ll sleep better having a Toyama than not having one.
Got it - amazing as usual. JKS is fantastic. Asked Maksim to pick me a tall 210 Gyuto (over 50mm), and per usual he did. Such a great co.!
Just wish he’d switch to vapes or quit his 3-pack a day altogether.