what food do others LOVE but you don't?

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Bengali chai, remains the supreme form of tea though. Not too heavily spiced, sweet, creamy. Starting with a foundation of good, strong black tea, it beats out all comers.

What makes Bengali chai unique? I grew up on Punjabi chai and it’s my favorite because of the amount of milk.
Yep that's it. In 54 years and growing up and living with to casual to avid gardeners, it's just that I haven't had a properly ripened tomato. :rolleyes:
Ya kinda weird to straight up assume that someone on a knife and food nerd forum hasn't had a ripe frickin tomato lmaaooooo
Ya kinda weird to straight up assume that someone on a knife and food nerd forum hasn't had a ripe frickin tomato lmaaooooo
Do you remember lloonngg ago when tomatoes were sold 3 in a weird plastic sketch of a basket?

This made me laugh so hard I showed my wife this conversation and she loved it too 😅
Hey, you never know. this whole thread is interesting to me cause, I can't think of a ingredient I don't like. Even dishes of food.

Obv anything that hasn't been seasoned properly or is bad (as in rotten) is different, but really can't think of anything...
Buckle up.

**** raw tomatoes. Tomato-based products, ok.
**** olives. Olive oil is cool, though.
**** truffle (the fungus). It tastes like ass funk smells. Any amount is way too much and everyone adds way more than that.
**** cherries
**** strawberries
**** peaches
**** butternut squash and all of those who prepare it.
Buckle up.

**** raw tomatoes. Tomato-based products, ok.
**** olives. Olive oil is cool, though.
**** truffle (the fungus). It tastes like ass funk smells. Any amount is way too much and everyone adds way more than that.
**** cherries
**** strawberries
**** peaches
**** butternut squash and all of those who prepare it.
peaches x Satan = mangoes
What makes Bengali chai unique? I grew up on Punjabi chai and it’s my favorite because of the amount of milk.
It could be similar! My exposure is limited to what passes for chai in the states and how my family makes it. The family friends who are Bengali always made the best. It’s simpler than the recipes I see online, but it’s the same stuff I had in Bangladesh. Still trying to get the exact spices from them but I think it’s essentially cinnamon/cardamom and maybe cloves. Nowhere near as strong as other spice blends so it blends nicely with the milk, which they boost by adding dried milk powder for extra richness. Frankly the tea probably makes the biggest difference. There the tea was pretty fresh from the tea gardens, and they still have fresh here every 3-6 months.

I need to find a good source for black tea now.
I guess most of all anything pickled or including raw vinegars... a mere whiff of anything with vinegar is enough to make me gag, so this silly trend of putting acid on anything is quite problematic for me (since lazy restaurants always opt for vinegar instead of citrus).

Then the things I can eat just fine but that I don't care for.... foie gras I found rather bland and boring - not worth the animal cruelty. I really don't care much for eggs... I happily use it as an ingredient where it's part of a greater whole, but on their own they're just boring to me. And really I don't like raw meats and fish. So tartare, sashimi and all that stuff....eh... not for me.
Combine the distaste for raw vinegar and raw fish and that basically means Japanese cuisine is mostly dead to me.

Don't care for tomatoes but that might have a lot to do with the quality of fresh tomatoes you can get here in the Netherlands. Traditionally the Germans referred to them as 'wasserbombe' (waterbombs).

I really don't care for mozzerella, or other fresh cheese. It's just incredibly bland and boring. I'm not the biggest fan of blue cheese either even though I'm generally a cheese lover. I can eat it but I'd never buy it for myself, just too much funk for me. I also don't really care for combining sweet stuff with cheese in general, just a waste of cheese IMO.
Shepherd's pie might be the most disgusting food on the planet to me. Though this definitely stems from my distain of mashed potatoes. How much I like potatoes is directly correlated to how much surface area there is and how fried it is. The break down would be something like:

1/10 - Mashed
2/10 - Baked
3/10 - Boiled
4/10 - Air Fried
5/10 - Oven Roasted
6/10 - Wedge Cut (homestyle) Fries
7/10 - French Fries
8/10 - Those Crispy French Fries at the Bottom
9/10 - Hashbrowns
10/10 - Potato Chips

Basically I'm a child
The whole obsession with mashed potatoes is entirely lost to me. It's just hospital food to me, for people who lost their teeth. Similarly any potato preparation that doesn't include fat and heat is just a waste of potatoes to me. Boiling potatoes is fine as a first step, but not as the only step of prepping potatoes.
This made me laugh so hard I showed my wife this conversation and she loved it too 😅

54 years old, never experienced a ripe tomato 🤣
Entirely possible in the Netherlands, and probably true for most people here who never went to Italy.