What would you request for your last meal?

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Dec 13, 2013
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Stumbled across a somewhat strange article recently about last meal requests by prisoners just prior to execution.
Made me wonder what other individuals might request. (Giving you the benefit of the doubt for purposes of this exercise, let's assume you aren't necessarily awaiting imminent execution. I don't want to spoil your appetite.)

To preclude some really off the wall responses, let's say your requested meal would be prepared by an extremely talented -- but anonymous -- chef (so don't recall anything personally prepared by Escoffier, for example, or even Ferran Adria). And no virtually impossible to source or otherwise not normally available ingredients ingredients (e.g., no roasted ortolans).

I wonder whether anyone's last meal request would center on something as common as a burger or ribs (though, in this case, perfectly prepared).
O.k., without your limitations, I probably would have mentioned things that my Mom cooked for me. She is not an outstanding cook, but there are just some comfort food items I would enjoy as my last meal, like her potato salad, beef roulades etc. If it is made by an uninspired prison cook on a budget, please kill me before dinner...

I have not thought about this in terms of a compleatly composed meal, but I know what individual elements I would like to have. Ideally, there would be plenty of time for the meal, a selection of interesting wines to go with it, and - to be honest - if it were my last meal, I would want it to be a lot of food. So, dishes would include (in random order) Robouchon's potatoes, an endless supply of perfectly cooked white asparagus with handcrafted fresh butter, some long-braised beef dish with plenty of sauce (like roulades), fresh authentic baguette, a selection of authentic Spanish tapas (including pata negra ham, various regional cheeses, manzanilla olives, gambas al ajillo etc), a Vichyssoise, seared foie gras, a bit of sashimi, fried hamachi collars, and something with raspberries. There, turn that into a multi-course meal ;) After writing this, if you wanted me to cut it down, it would be braised beef roulades a la Mama, fresh fingerling potatoes, and white asparagus. Dang, I gotta get dinner now...

Gumbo, jambalaya, boiled crawfish/shrimp/crabs, fried chicken/ soft shells, biscuits, boudin. Gumbo, Biscuits, crawfish and softshells taking the top of the list. These hit a hard chord being from the south and growing up around them after really thinking about it. Each has its own special memory for me. On first thought lamb, scallops and fois gras came to mind. On second thought something that reminds me of where I came from seems like the most important for a last meal.
After writing this, if you wanted me to cut it down, it would be braised beef roulades a la Mama, fresh fingerling potatoes, and white asparagus. Dang, I gotta get dinner now...


So German! I'd replace the potatoes with my grandmas dumplings, but other than that... I'm in! [emoji6]
a big juicey steak from a rare endangered species. that way they can never execute me.

or the top burger from the most popular fast food joints..that way i WANT to die.
Yoly’s Torta from Sparrow Bakery in Bend, Oregon.

Mexican pulled pork, spicy red chilli sauce, lettuce, avocado, onion, on a brioche bun - and I'd add a poached egg to it.

Spicy, tangy and unctuous.
Deep friend squirrel in ranch dressing. Maybe a pickle so I can eat it all sexy and awkward in front of my captors.
Something with bones in it. I will snap them, use them as shills, stab the guards, use their weapons to kill all resistance and then go to a nuclear silo, use code 0000 (true story) to launch nuke at Russia, and when the retaliation comes there will be no government left to try and execute me ...
Jasmine rice, that has been scorched a little on the bottom, with some skirt steak that has been marinated with garlic, ginger, soy, mirin and chilis cooked on the steaming rice. Then to finish a cup od team made from the scorched rice bottoms. Then a 3 finger pour of a fine single malt.
Ginger steamed Hawaiian Onaga, Ahi Sashimi, Chesapeake Bay Blue crabs, New Zealand Oysters, Antarctica Lobster, India Pale Ales.
Now that I am reading this, can I change mine to eating butter-dripping lobster, diver scallops, and white asparagus off Jessica Alba's body? :O:hungry:

Always liked Jacques Pepin's answer: good bread, butter and fleur de sel.
I would ask for a simple 4 ingredient angel hair pasta dish. For some reason, the combination of ingredients moves the earth for me.

Blend eggs and grated Romano cheese then pour over cooked pasta. Heat olive oil and brown some garlic then pour the hot oil over the pasta/egg mixture. The infused oil scrambles the eggs as it imparts the wonderful flavors. When timed well and blended in proper proportions...I could eat so much of it in a single sitting that it would become my last dish.
I'd go like Maccello in La Grande Bouffe.

side note: if this were a death row meal, I would hope that the fellow pulling the switch would have to clean up the pot afterwards.
I had a deep discussion about this with my girlfriend last night. I came to the conclusion that whoever jailed me would need to execute me in Japan.
I would order a dozen totten inlet oysters in the half shell, okonomiyaki from my favorite spot in Hiroshima, grilled hamachi kama, sardine and Toro nigiri galore, a small bowl of rokurinsha tsukemen, and a pet bottle of suntory boss milk coffee.
A curried Mac and cheese. As a kid when I was sick I would often use what ever energy I had by lunch to go up to the kitchen and prepare this it would be a home-made non baked Mac with a old cheddar and a personal selection of india spices
A couple of well done Nathan's franks covered with mustard and potato salad - a hold over from my youth in the Bronx - and some fries. I'd wash it down with a Dr. Brown's black cherry of course. Although Stefan's menu sounds pretty good.
A couple of well done Nathan's franks covered with mustard and potato salad - a hold over from my youth in the Bronx - and some fries. I'd wash it down with a Dr. Brown's black cherry of course. Although Stefan's menu sounds pretty good.

What...not Sabrett? And you gotta have onion sauce!
Roger that Dr. Browns!