A New Respect for Martha Stewart

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.... always liked Martha. Def. Like her better than Paula Dean. ....
I always liked Bugsy Siegel better than Al Capone. Bugsy was a snappier dresser.

I'm trying to picture flushing a toilet with your foot, not a pretty picture, gives me a backache just thinking about it :- )
Seen a lot of guys do it. Doesn't look too tough.

Flushing a urinal, that take some flexibility. (And yes, I've seen that done too.)

I just saw the video with Marth and Nobu making Sushi. Unless i'm mistaken, arent they using Shuns? 3:33 Going back to my original comment. Martha aint no Japanese knife expert.

I think it's legit. What would she gain by pretending she likes Japanese knives, other than a very small collection of people being impressed? Realistically, a lie is just too hard to keep going, and the benefit would be so small that it wouldn't be worth the headache.

I agree. I also know she's been to Japan many times and she's surprisingly knowledgable about random Japanese kitchenware.
I just saw the video with Marth and Nobu making Sushi. Unless i'm mistaken, arent they using Shuns? 3:33 Going back to my original comment. Martha aint no Japanese knife expert.

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I don't think anyone is saying she was a Japanese Knife expert, just that she owns and probably uses Japanese knives (and other Japanese cookware too I guess).

And as for the knives on the show, they are often paid/sponsored product placements on TV shows. Just saying.

Drinky, I hear ya. I'm only having fun with it. Would not surprise me if she was an expert on J-Knives.
Mostly Wusthofs, one Nakiri that gets a half hearted tomato test , think there are some other vids flexing her knife skills - here
On another forum I work on there was a " who would you want to be stuck on a tropical island with" thread.
All the kids were posting the latest young movie stars and "film" stars. I posted that I would want to be on the island with Martha. When the laughter stopped I made a pretty good case for it. My tastefully decorated hut, fish and fowl prepared with care ect ect. Win win.:pirate1:
I imagine she would be incredibly calm under pressure, too. Being a convict and all.
On another forum I work on there was a " who would you want to be stuck on a tropical island with" thread.
All the kids were posting the latest young movie stars and "film" stars. I posted that I would want to be on the island with Martha. When the laughter stopped I made a pretty good case for it. My tastefully decorated hut, fish and fowl prepared with care ect ect. Win win.:pirate1:

In that scenario she would be my choice too... If I happened to be a unich.
I'd rather take Nigella with me, though...

Martha Facts(garnered from NPR):
1. Martha does, in fact, need her muffin buttered. She has a Match.com profile

2. She formerly dated Sir Anthony Hopkins

3.i heard her swear on public radio. The crowd cheered unbelievably loudly.

I'm a fan.