All Rectangle March?

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And so it begins:


Gonna be out of town for most of March so I'm starting early.

From left to right:

Shindo 170x52
Wat Pro 176x60
Okubo 180x63
Shindo tall nakiri 172x78
Chopper King small slicer 205x90
Sugimoto #6 220x110
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For ARM2024, if you had to choose between

Shibazi F208-2 205mm for $60

Seki Kanetsugu Pro 220mm Chuka Bocho for $90

which would you pick?
I've had the Shibazi f/208-2 for over a year, and it still surprises me with it's versatility and "feel." Starts with the handle, perfect balance forward, perfect weight, heel area for denser materials and vertical chop. I see no advantage in the Seki Kanetsugu Pro additional length, weight, and plain Western handle--seems a bit like the Shibazi f/208-1.

The only other cleaver that would tempt me, would be the small stainless Sugimoto.
Get it and live a happy life. Much cheaper on am*zon than anywhere else.
Dad was right all along.

3 days of exclusive use on #6 and the thing is just adaptable. Breaks down a chicken, minces garlic, glides through sweet potato. It slightly cracks carrots on the thick cut but I don't  feel it, and the food release is bit behind Okubo but the blade is so tall it doesn't really matter. It kinda spanked my Chopper King side by side tonight, the grind is superior, though I prefer the barrel handle on the CK by a mile.

It isn't perfect but it's pretty damn good at anything you put in front of it. And it's such a good scoop, it's so damn big I love it.

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Things I wouldn't do with my Shindo...big girl cares not

View attachment 303257

That's sorta one of my litmus tests. I like avocados and my main knife needs to not have an issue with the pit. Some people may be surprised at how soft the pit really is.
That's sorta one of my litmus tests. I like avocados and my main knife needs to not have an issue with the pit. Some people may be surprised at how soft the pit really is.
Honestly I was. For the past few years I've exclusively used a cheap stainless paring and wrist flick/whack the core to get it to stick in...but with a properly sharp knife like this it just sinks in easily with minimal effort. Didn't feel guilty at all haha
Honestly I was. For the past few years I've exclusively used a cheap stainless paring and wrist flick/whack the core to get it to stick in...but with a properly sharp knife like this it just sinks in easily with minimal effort. Didn't feel guilty at all haha

The key is to sink in deep enough so you're not lateral flexing the very edge but yeah, they really aren't too big of a deal. I'm sure Knifewear has multiple YouTube videos telling people that this is abuse and their knives will combust into metal dust if they try it though. :)
I wonder if it’s too late for me to source and receive a nice rectangle before Friday… 🤔
You don't have to be ready on the 1st. Jump in when you can!

Yeah I might need a little bit to find something I like… not a huge fan of a super rounded tip!

Recommendations for tall n substantial nakiri’s (or baby cleavers like those nice Migoto ones) with a more squared tip welcome in my DM’s - I don’t want to clog up the thread.
Yeah I might need a little bit to find something I like… not a huge fan of a super rounded tip!

Recommendations for tall n substantial nakiri’s (or baby cleavers like those nice Migoto ones) with a more squared tip welcome in my DM’s - I don’t want to clog up the thread.

No worries about clogging up the thread. That's exactly what it is all about! Ya never know who may be wondering the same thing. :)
Yeah I might need a little bit to find something I like… not a huge fan of a super rounded tip!

Recommendations for tall n substantial nakiri’s (or baby cleavers like those nice Migoto ones) with a more squared tip welcome in my DM’s - I don’t want to clog up the thread.

My Spåre cleaver has the straightest edge and squarest tip out of all my cleavers... Graydon ordered 3 identical honyaki cleavers from Fredrik without handles, worked his magic, kept one and gave one to his friend, and I got the 3rd. I'm not sure if he specifically asked for that edge profile, but if I had to guess, it seems like that's the style that Spåre prefers to make for cleavers. Not sure how getting a custom from him would work, since I have never dealt with him directly, but I do love that cleaver very much. Would highly recommend.
Yeah I might need a little bit to find something I like… not a huge fan of a super rounded tip!

Recommendations for tall n substantial nakiri’s (or baby cleavers like those nice Migoto ones) with a more squared tip welcome in my DM’s - I don’t want to clog up the thread.

Not sure about timing but maybe something from @Knot Handcrafted looks promising?

Moritakas are also pretty square.
Yeah I might need a little bit to find something I like… not a huge fan of a super rounded tip!

Recommendations for tall n substantial nakiri’s (or baby cleavers like those nice Migoto ones) with a more squared tip welcome in my DM’s - I don’t want to clog up the thread.
I have this
Pretty square if you can find it