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Senior Member
Nov 23, 2012
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I am no baker by any stretch of the imagination, but I have a hair to make some brownies. I am looking for unsweetened and semi- sweet chocolate. I want some chocolate that's very good.....any recs would be appreciated. Thanks
I only use Valhrona chocolate. It's the best.
I have tried Valhrona, found it to be very good. But what makes it the best?
Not contradicting you, but just curious to hear your thoughts
The 66% that I use most often has subtle notes of fruits or berries that I just can't seem to find in other brands. Just a personal preference I suppose.
Haven't tried that one yet, will get it, thanks!

Any ideas on how to use the Dulcey blond?
I don't have that one but their caramelia is nice for making ice creams with. Maybe the same could be said of the blonde?
Will give that a shot, should work really well now that I think of it :)
I'm very fond of Lindt's darker chocolates. Different ones for different purposes though. Their 75% is very nice for snacking and strawberries. I've never cooked with it though. The 85% is also very good for snacking, I think it might be a bit too bitter for baked goods though.
Big fan of callebaut intense dark in baked goods. In terms of just eating, callebaut milk chocolate :sofa:
I made some brownies awhile back where I subbed foie for most(?) of the butter. Came out fecking excellent if I do say so myself. cant recall what I used for choco so I guess I'm de-railing a bit here...
Pierre Herme highly recommends Valrhona chocolate so that's a pretty good endorsement!
To our Aussie members, where can I get some Valrhona in Sydney. I need quite a bit so Simon Johnson is not ideal. Any other suggestions?
To our Aussie members, where can I get some Valrhona in Sydney. I need quite a bit so Simon Johnson is not ideal. Any other suggestions?
Simon Johnson is the Australian importer, so they should be your best bet. If you can't get large quantities through the retail stores try Chefs Warehouse in Albion St Surry Hills, if you have no luck let me know and i can put you in touch with my SJ rep.
Simon Johnson is the Australian importer, so they should be your best bet. If you can't get large quantities through the retail stores try Chefs Warehouse in Albion St Surry Hills, if you have no luck let me know and i can put you in touch with my SJ rep.

Thanks mate. The website says $11 for 70 grams. I would need about ten times that. Maybe I should look for alternatives.
Maybe I will ask in store then. I currently use the Aldi brand chocolates and I would like to use something a little better.