Colatura di Alici

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You can do aglio and olio pasta and add one spoon of colatura per person, consider it is very salty, so i would not add salt in the pasta's water
I understand the "A vegan version" but historically Soy Sauce was originally crafted by strictly vegetarian Buddhist monks to replace Fish Sauce. There is a simple way to add more umami flavor to your dishes that is totally vegan. I use this, it is unbelievable.

Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 07.49.51.png
few years ago I made a recipe by Heston Blumenthal, for mushroom soup that called for dried and powdered mushrooms so I made that powder by grating Cepes and Shii take....I use it frequently when i want to spice up the Umami!
about a third of every year's chanterelle harvest i usually dry and make a fine powder out of. very handy. very tasty. looks nice.

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