Countertop Chinese cleaver storage?

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Jul 4, 2012
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I've never quite solved the Chinese cleaver storage dilemma. Right now, they sit, haphazardly, in a drawer, with blade guards. They deserve better.

I am aware of wall-mounted magnetic holders (if you live in an earthquake-prone area, and have experienced the force of a good-sized one, you will shudder at the very idea), and wall-mounted holders with slots, but there are no available walls in my kitchen.

Vertical storage in drawers is out -- the drawers are too shallow.

I'd love a countertop knife block made for cleavers, something that could hold 8-9 Chinese cleavers, but no amount of searching has turned up such a thing. All I find are knife blocks with one cleaver slot. That's not what this cleaver guy is after. Knives are nice and all, and this forum has really gotten me to upgrade my knives, but in my world, a knife is what you reach for when you have a job a Chinese cleaver won't do.

Any suggestions?
I got this from China.
I have made a cleaver stand from 1.5x1.5x6 inch stock. You could have a couple of singles, or a 12x6x1.5 with slots for each cleaver.
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I made one out of a largeish piece of cherry where I made one cut partially through it with a skilsaw. Looked similar to the one Mark sells at the place we all know but won’t speak of. 【黑胡桃木刀架 [青螺工坊] 实木刀座 菜刀厨刀架 刀托 立式】

Just so you know you can customize making it in different sizes.

That maple/black walnut one the they have a picture of on that site is really pretty. if I had counter space for a knife block I would probably do something like that.
This is the stand I use for my cck 1102


I used leftover plywood, joined them together then create a slit in the middle. Not the prettiest but works.

Made this, still waiting for some magnets to arrive.
