Covid: the shape of things to come

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I've had both Shingrix shots a few years ago. The last couple of weeks I've had what I think is hives. I was wondering if this is a mild case of shingles. Not ever having shingles I don't really know if this is the same.
After looking at wiki pictures of shingles and hives, I'm pretty certain that I have hives.
Above posts were from mid December.

It now appears that this was a symptom of Covid. I had blood pressure issues and vertigo in the same period. I gave blood at the end of March and learned that they were doing antibody tests and that I could get results a couple weeks after my donation. The result was 'reactive+' . The test can be positive from vaccination or from the virus, but the high antibody count and the fact that the test was 6 months after my last booster makes it most likely that I had the virus.

I had wondered how I was going to time a second booster, thinking that I wanted to be most protected during the next peak, but now my plan is to give blood every 8 weeks and keep an eye on my antibodies.
First hike since we got covid. Good to be back in the groove. North shore Hauula valley.
Above posts were from mid December.

It now appears that this was a symptom of Covid. I had blood pressure issues and vertigo in the same period. I gave blood at the end of March and learned that they were doing antibody tests and that I could get results a couple weeks after my donation. The result was 'reactive+' . The test can be positive from vaccination or from the virus, but the high antibody count and the fact that the test was 6 months after my last booster makes it most likely that I had the virus.

I had wondered how I was going to time a second booster, thinking that I wanted to be most protected during the next peak, but now my plan is to give blood every 8 weeks and keep an eye on my antibodies.

Funny you should mention this. I was meeting with someone last week who was giving me a bid for a new bulkhead. It was destroyed in a bad storm in November. Anyway, his eyes were blood shot and he didn’t look good at all. He starts telling me how he got Covid a couple of months earlier and ended up breaking out in hives. He said he’s feeling better but is still getting hives off and on and has a lingering cough which I heard several times. He thought his hives were shingles at first as well. I’ve had both several times and they are very different animals for sure. I told him that I believe that they can both be caused by stress but hives are more like spider bites or large mosquito bites that you’ve scratched. Shingles are small open sores and there are many of them like a rash. I hope you completely heal from this. Covid is nothing to mess around with.
Funny you should mention this. I was meeting with someone last week who was giving me a bid for a new bulkhead. It was destroyed in a bad storm in November. Anyway, his eyes were blood shot and he didn’t look good at all. He starts telling me how he got Covid a couple of months earlier and ended up breaking out in hives. He said he’s feeling better but is still getting hives off and on and has a lingering cough which I heard several times. He thought his hives were shingles at first as well. I’ve had both several times and they are very different animals for sure. I told him that I believe that they can both be caused by stress but hives are more like spider bites or large mosquito bites that you’ve scratched. Shingles are small open sores and there are many of them like a rash. I hope you completely heal from this. Covid is nothing to mess around with.
At one point the welts of my hives were undulating as if there were insects under my skin. I actually thought that I was hallucinating, but I asked my wife if she was seeing the same thing and she was.
More new information released

View attachment 177669

Released by whom gives good insight into the validity.

This was a neat read…

NVIC's Medalerts republication of Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System data, done without CDC's detailed warning of the data limitations, had led to incorrect interpretations and misleading reports attributing deaths to COVID-19 vaccines.[11] The original United States Department of Health and Human Services VAERS website is willfully cautious, containing extensive and important warnings such as "Reports of death to VAERS following vaccination do not necessarily mean the vaccine caused the death"[28] and others.[29][30] The website states :

"VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable. In large part, reports to VAERS are voluntary, which means they are subject to biases."[29]
HHS's VAERS data replicated by Medalerts is known to be frequently misrepresented by anti-vaccines sources.[31]
The national ******** center is something else, a few years ago we seriously wondered about the risk/benefit ratio of all vaccinations and started doing research...after a ton of reading it turned out that 99% is utter BS and most 'articles' talking about how incredibly dangerous vaccinations are turn out to be rewrites or rehashes of some retracted BS article by someone who no longer is an MD.
rehashes of some retracted BS article by someone who no longer is an MD
Yeah, the old MMR saga. Article was retracted, he deliberately falsified data, violated the code of ethics, and lost his MD license as a result. Doesn't stop the anti-vaxxers from dragging that BS around regardless.
someone should sue them to stop that nonsense from spreading, seriously...
Likely the 'information' stays afloat as turds tend to do, everything seems to be explained by 'the XYZ conspiracy' (fill in whatever the flavor of the month is.
Speaking of stopping nonsense.

Folks it's time to start asking (publically) whether or not it's actually ok what Eric's doing here.

It's one thing to disagree. It's another to:
  • Spread low-quality, misleading information
  • Refuse to provide sources for said information (even a link to where he got them)
  • Refuse to engage with anyone
  • Constantly devalue the more than 6 million human lives lost to covid by repeatedly suggesting it wasn't covid that killed them
"the marketplace of ideas" isn't what's happening here. that suggests some level of interaction. that suggests some level of good faith participation. am I really alone here in thinking that this has gone on long enough?

Im not saying ban him from the forum but IMO it's time for him to take a timeout from this topic.
i question the real-world negative impact he's had here.

and your point about him devaluing human lives (though this is merely a moot, philosophical disagreement).

i agree with all of your other points. he's not enriching the discussion. i can't even read his figures, lol. i don't think i could do a better job at this point if i were trying to troll.
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Another study from Israel about the 4th dose/second booster. Looks like it works pretty well for a short period of time, but protection against infection wains quickly. Protection against severe desease seems to last longer. Looks like it makes sense for volnurable populations and not as much for the rest.
I got my second booster last week, after hearing - within the same week - that my mother-in-law (in Indiana) caught COVID for the second time, my brother and sister-in-law (and her live-in parents, in DC) all have COVID, and my brother-in-law (in Florida) has COVID, too. All of them were vaxxed and boosted, and the DC crew were super-careful about exposure. I had COVID before the vaccine was available, and I don't ever want to go through that again, even in mild form.

I lose a day to feeling crummy every time I get the shot, but it still is way better than having an actual case of the disease.
I got my second booster last week, after hearing - within the same week - that my mother-in-law (in Indiana) caught COVID for the second time, my brother and sister-in-law (and her live-in parents, in DC) all have COVID, and my brother-in-law (in Florida) has COVID, too. All of them were vaxxed and boosted, and the DC crew were super-careful about exposure. I had COVID before the vaccine was available, and I don't ever want to go through that again, even in mild form.

I lose a day to feeling crummy every time I get the shot, but it still is way better than having an actual case of the disease.
Unfortunately, at least with existing shots it looks like protection against getting the disease only lasts around 4 or so weeks. On the bright side even if you get it, it shouldn't be too bad. The goal of not going through it again even in mild form might be a pipe dream.
Keep in mind the average recovery rate world wide is around 99.7%

The overwhelming majority of people being highly affected by the virus are 65 years of age and older

As a result it makes no sense for non-high risk populations to continually put themselves at risk for a vaccine that kinda works at best but

Results: Among 23 122 522 Nordic residents (81% vaccinated by study end; 50.2% female), 1077 incident myocarditis events and 1149 incident pericarditis events were identified. Within the 28-day period, for males and females 12 years or older combined who received a homologous schedule, the second dose was associated with higher risk of myocarditis, with adjusted IRRs of 1.75 (95% CI, 1.43-2.14) for BNT162b2 and 6.57 (95% CI, 4.64-9.28) for mRNA-1273. Among males 16 to 24 years of age, adjusted IRRs were 5.31 (95% CI, 3.68-7.68) for a second dose of BNT162b2 and 13.83 (95% CI, 8.08-23.68) for a second dose of mRNA-1273, and numbers of excess events were 5.55 (95% CI, 3.70-7.39) events per 100 000 vaccinees after the second dose of BNT162b2 and 18.39 (9.05-27.72) events per 100 000 vaccinees after the second dose of mRNA-1273. Estimates for pericarditis were similar.

Conclusions and relevance: Results of this large cohort study indicated that both first and second doses of mRNA vaccines were associated with increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis. For individuals receiving 2 doses of the same vaccine, risk of myocarditis was highest among young males (aged 16-24 years) after the second dose. These findings are compatible with between 4 and 7 excess events in 28 days per 100 000 vaccinees after BNT162b2, and between 9 and 28 excess events per 100 000 vaccinees after mRNA-1273. This risk should be balanced against the benefits of protecting against severe COVID-19 disease.
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Wat do you mean Eric doesn't add to this thread
It's slowed down as of late Eric posts good for another full page at least. 😁

Saw kids in Florida school mass shooting. Some students organized to speak about gun violence in schools. The leader was targeted by misinformation conspiracy haks.

He says his generation grown up with school shootings & misinformation conspiracies. Started Birds aren't Real movement. Government killed off birds & replaced them with spy mechanical bird drones. Recharge batteries by standing on power lines. Poking fun at biased media that's much is made up to help push agenda.

My sister only got vaccine because had to fly to
see her grandkids. She used NVIC on her Facebook. When two sisters came to Hawaii in Jan. Covid was spreading. We used mask & gel
Nobody got sick. Was surprised went she said both had shots for shingles. We live in divided country she is anti abortion looks like Roe vs Wade is going to be repealed.
Some of my own conclusions.

I would not let CDC tell me how to apply a band-aid. Completely devoid of credibility as they've followed the political winds (and the money)

The poli's that have used the crisis for political gain all suck.

Faucci's a lying sack of chit who belongs under the jail.

Pick a position and you'll find a "study" that supports it.

WHO belongs to China.

Covid definitely has origins in Lab. Whether the release was deliberate or not is still worthy of debate.

Eric's postings on here merit attention, despite whatever your own views are, simply because they represent the views of a lot of people who may think differently than you do. And he / they are certainly entitled to those opinions.

There is no smartest guy in this room.

Twitter is about to be funnier than SNL was at it's best.

Roe v Wade. Don't even think about it here.
Eric's postings on here merit attention, despite whatever your own views are, simply because they represent the views of a lot of people who may think differently than you do. And he / they are certainly entitled to those opinions.

that's not the argument here. he's not even the only person who has posted obviously wrong stuff.

but if he's just going to dump **** in this thread and not even respond to requests to link where he got it, that's a problem.

especially because you have a history of deciding that things that you personally agree with aren't against the rules when they _are_ based on how they're written, I find this especially ironic. and if there was any doubt that you personally believe the same stuff as Eric, well your post clears it up.
especially because you have a history of deciding that things that you personally agree with aren't against the rules when they _are_ based on how they're written, I find this especially ironic. and if there was any doubt that you personally believe the same stuff as Eric, well your post clears it up.

Sounds like your personal opinion. I haven't noticed Dave breaking the rules, but of course you'll say that it is because I agree with him, regardless if it is true or not. Then again, I don't see a problem with people expressing their opinions regardless if I agree with them or not as long as they stay within the rules set by the forum.
Sounds like your personal opinion. I haven't noticed Dave breaking the rules, but of course you'll say that it is because I agree with him, regardless if it is true or not. Then again, I don't see a problem with people expressing their opinions regardless if I agree with them or not as long as they stay within the rules set by the forum.

I mean if you (or him) want to sit there and deny behavior that's happening right in the open be my guest. as the phrase goes, do you believe me or your lying eyes? sorry but it's so obvious it's painful.

It's not like it's a secret with the other mods either.

Dave doesn't enforce the politics rules even close to equivalently depending on which side you land on, he doesn't enforce the BST rules (he's literally posted GLWS in a scam thread that was asking for paypal F&F instead of moderating it), frankly it's strange to me that he even wants to be a mod given his behavior.

Dave just called for the imprisonment of a civil servant for whom there is no evidence of a crime. How is that in the spirit of the no politics rule? (hint: it's not).

Am I allowed to suggest that Dave should go to prison for stealing decryption keys from a NASA lab in Santa Barbara? I mean it's patently false but let's put that aside. Is that fair game?

I feel like the point is to keep the peace. Unfortunately we have a person who believes some absolute psycho stuff in charge of that.
Indirect and estimates are two huge red flags from the article

The recovery rate for Covid is around 99.7% around the world and virtually all of those people are 65yr + with 3-4 comorbidities with the majority being around 85yr as a group

Just in USA alone we have around 3,000,000 deaths a year that are non Covid related

It’s no more deadly than a bad year of the flu
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