Favorite shapton glass progression

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Dec 15, 2011
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What’s you’re favorite SG 2 stone progression? Which SG stones impress you? 1k? 2k? 4K?
I hear that the 320 grit is supposed to be nice.
I’m curious which ones users enjoy.
I’ll elaborate. 220 is softer then the other two. Wears pretty quickly, loads up like crazy. 500 and 2k IMO are just great fast cutting stones that wear really slow and have nice tactile feedback for how hard they are. Really nice on coworkers knives as well as my own.
Those are the only ones I’ve tried. Contemplated a 6k for a while but never ended up pulling the trigger.
I have 220, 500, 2k, 4k and 8k, though with exception of 220 I bought them mainly for razors. Feel wise I like the 2k the best (so I would expect 1k to be very nice too), 4k and 8k are a bit too hard for my taste (again, with razors). The 220 is not bad at all and gets the rough job done. It will not last long is used regularly.

I love the fact that one can pack 3 stones inside the basic holder (which functions very well) what makes there stones great for travel. I will be taking 220, 500 and 2000 to sharpen my relatives's knives when visiting them.
I have the 320,2k,4k,6k, I really only use the 2k to 6k or the 6k for touch ups. In my opinion the 2k acts almost like a 1k, the 6k gives you a nice finish. I would think a 1k to a 4k would be very good also.
Out of curiosity, what didn't you like about the 220 and 3k?
Yeah, the 220 dished too much and was a bit slow for my (admittedly quite) brutal purposes. The 3k felt very glassy imo and I really didn’t like the edge it gave.
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I like the SG500 it's my main thinning stone, not a huge fan of anything in the series over the 1k.
I really like the 320. I can jump from that to 2K and then finish on 6K. They are my favorite stones for edges. They're very precise, cut quickly, and dry quickly. I tend to use the 2K and 6K quite a lot -- I would highly recommend as a two-stone progression, for most of the time -- and just ordered a 1K. I gather the glass like the pro Shaptons run a little corse at that grit, which suits me fine.
I find SG stones to be just meh most of the time. If I had to choose one, SG 6K.
I'm still very much an apprentice sharpener so take this with a grain of salt but I like the 500 and in some applications the 4K. I have not used anything in the series above the 4K or below the 500.
I sold a bunch a year or so ago. Kept the 2k and that was it. I enjoyed the 500 but I like others more. The 2k is pretty nice. The 4k I liked too but not enough to keep it. The 6k I sold because I am finishing on naturals more now. If do finish on synths it’s the gesshin 4k. The 2k leaves a nice edge for work and it’s also nice because they are so easy to store and transport. I think when we get back in the kitchen full time soonish, i’ll bring the glass 2k and a felt strop to work to have there. Bring the imanishi double sided stone home. I think the 500 and the 4k would make a nice edge progression.
My favorite Shapton Glass progression depends on my mood, the condition and steel of the knife and the purpose of the knife.

1) 500/2000/6000 if necessary, otherwise 2000/6000
2) 1000/3000/6000 if necessary, otherwise 3000/6000
3) 1000/4000
4) 500/3000
5) 500/6000
6) 1000
7) 500/2000
i have the 220,500,1,2,3,4,6k (gray).

the 220 is my fav coarse stone. its slower to wear and grinds faster than the pro 220.
500 is a good baseline c stone.
1k as good as gets for 1k.
2k for for crap ss.
3k good for for premium ss.
4k same as 3k but sharper, you give up a little speed, clogs a bit.
6k good for carbons, it polishes a bit too, unlike white glass.
i found the pro8k better than the glass so i kept that one.

500-3k is a good combo, so is 1k-4k, or 500-4k.

i think the 3k is my allround fav stone. 4k is nice too.
I like the 500 and 4k a lot. 4k gives a nice working edge and is great for quick touch ups. Like the 1k glass but I prefer the pro 1k or 2k.
Sometimes I will start with the glass 500 and skip the mid grit go and go straight to a finish stone. Either a 3-6k or a natural. This can leave a wicked edge that almost seem angry.
personally i like all of them. they are pretty much the only stones i use. i feel they are all the same pretty much, just finer or coarser.
I have and like the 500, condidering trying some more of them.

Question about the much lauded holder though. $100 for a plastic box? What am I missing?