- Got some nice functional knives for my bday from my daughter, thought I better get some sharpening tools
- Made a 3d printed fixed angle jig and some cheap stones from Jeff's emporium
- Sharpened things
- Saw a man on youtube say "get this one stone and a strop", I feel influenced
- Couldn't get the stone, got the finer one from Jeff's emporium, sharpened more things
- Saw another man on youtube rate the stones, got some basic advice, he seemed nice but maybe more novice than he appeared, he had Japanese knives too
- Saw another man on youtube, he likes my stones for his hunting knives, I feel validated
- Sharpen more things, look into Japanese knives and advanced sharpening
- Sharpen all the things (knives, plane blades, chisels, used utility blades, scissors, spoons, kitchen sink, nothing can escape)
- Fall into wormhole of KKF and all the information
- Await the arrival of first second hand knife to restore
- Search out more knives, more stones