Instagram can take its double standard and **** off

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It's also ironic to post some puritan crap on Thanksgiving. Remember they came here because they were so disliked by the people of their time even the Dutch were like nah you gotta get out of here

Maybe don't drink and post I dunno
WAP is great and is a celebration of sexual empowerment and agency for women. It challenges traditional gender norms and promotes the idea that women can be assertive about their desires.

There are many things wrong with society but I wouldn't put music in the top 50.

I'm not gonna wade into this but that's hilarious. None of that was ever in question.
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WAP is disgusting and the perfect example of what is wrong with society . Stop being part of the problem , and do better . If you take baby it's cold outside in the context of the time period it was written, it's to the standard. I'm not disagreeing there are overt under tones, but sexually explicit lyrics are not appropriate to be played on the radio or any other form , unless you are over the age of 18, just like porn .
I think WAP is part of our rich literary tradition.

Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion say:
‘Put this ***** right in yo' face
Swipe your nose like a credit card’

Whereas in The Miller’s Tale Chaucer says:
[…] This Absolon wiped his mouth very dry.
Dark was the night as pitch, or as the coal,
And at the window out she put her arsehole,
And Absolon, to him it happened no better nor worse,
But with his mouth he kissed her naked arse
With great relish, before he was aware of this.
Back he jumped, and thought it was amiss,
For well he knew a woman has no beard.
He felt a thing all rough and long haired,
And said, “Fie! Alas! What have I done?”
“Tehee!” said she, and clapped the window to.’

And @Barclid also kept this theme alive through the ages when he famously said:
Lick my whole ass hole.
Remember, what ails our society is not {insert horrible real life things that are happening} but singing about *checks notes* the defining behavior of all biological life.
I think WAP is part of our rich literary tradition.

Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion say:
‘Put this ***** right in yo' face
Swipe your nose like a credit card’

Whereas in The Miller’s Tale Chaucer says:
[…] This Absolon wiped his mouth very dry.
Dark was the night as pitch, or as the coal,
And at the window out she put her arsehole,
And Absolon, to him it happened no better nor worse,
But with his mouth he kissed her naked arse
With great relish, before he was aware of this.
Back he jumped, and thought it was amiss,
For well he knew a woman has no beard.
He felt a thing all rough and long haired,
And said, “Fie! Alas! What have I done?”
“Tehee!” said she, and clapped the window to.’

And @Barclid also kept this theme alive through the ages when he famously said:
Lick my whole ass hole.

Drop analingus references, not bombs. Or something.
It's also ironic to post some puritan crap on Thanksgiving. Remember they came here because they were so disliked by the people of their time even the Dutch were like nah you gotta get out of here

Maybe don't drink and post I dunno
The whole "moral decay" squad is wild because as we've seen recently, they're generally fine with children getting bombed in other countries or letting kids see graphic violence, but tits?! By God, Cletus, grab by Bible and let's cleanse these heathens.
You're not wrong but...

The whole holier than thou march on the streets squad couldn't point to any number of places, I could name, on a map where there has been multiples of the civilian and children's casualties but are up in arms *only* about the most complex and grey one. The same group will have speakers at universities they don't like cancelled, and in some cases people fired due to anything from microagressions to straight heinous transphobia. However they'll complain about 'mah free speech' protecting 'protesters' who are caught saying antisemetic tripe.

There's a lot of hypocrisy everywhere on all sides of politics. Always has been. Always will be.

aren't you tired of trotting out this tired old take?

yes we get it the fence sitters are always happy to remind everyone they think it's better to get to pretend to have intellectual consistency by never committing to anything. it's so terminally boringgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

whataboutism bothsidesism storebrandvanillaicecreamism all the same really.

not even specific to politics it's the same as when you try and ask for buying advice and everyone is so happy to up their post and reaction score points with an "it depends" that hasnt added anything to the conversation since 2013.
You're not wrong but...

The whole holier than thou march on the streets squad couldn't point to any number of places, I could name, on a map where there has been multiples of the civilian and children's casualties but are up in arms *only* about the most complex and grey one. The same group will have speakers at universities they don't like cancelled, and in some cases people fired due to anything from microagressions to straight heinous transphobia. However they'll complain about 'mah free speech' protecting 'protesters' who are caught saying antisemetic tripe.

There's a lot of hypocrisy everywhere on all sides of politics. Always has been. Always will be.
Like I said, it's just an easy example that is in the current zeitgeist. The underlying dichotomy is still the same: I find it insane when people want to police nudity to such an intense degree but overlook or even condone various instances of violence and death. I'm not naming specific examples of interactions, but having grown up in rural Appalachia, I encountered these types of people all the time.

I'm saying nudity and violence should not be held to the same standard and certainly nudity is not worse than violence.
Edit: So knives, anybody here like them?
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I don’t know about other places, but there are strict rules about discussing politics here which you lot happily stepped into here. Can you guys take your BS somewhere else. We are not interested in your poorly informed opinions. It is always the same people spilling the same opinions, it is very predictable and boring at this point. Just leave and discuss politics somewhere else.
No - I don't think that's the case. I think for all people they're uninformed on almost everything, because there's just too much stuff to be informed on. They probably should either fence sit or be careful about holding opinions that are too strong. I wasn't even fence sitting, just pointing out there's hypocrisy on all ends of the political spectrum - including the fence sitters.

I think people who think that complicated issues are simple and there's one easy answer are wrong and those who do are either or both holier than thou virtue signallers or not nearly as smart as they think wannabe intellectuals.

My buying advice for cars 'i have no idea, it depends I suppose' - because, well, I have no idea. My buying advice for cook books will be pretty opinionated (probably not right though). I don't see that taking a side (especially strongly) when I'm un or under informed is a virtue.

I think for all that you come off as lacking an adequate degree of sonder.

Again, your position is the easy one. And a boring one. No **** holding off on forming strong opinions until you have adequate information is the way to go. The issue here is that your motivations are clear as day and uh, yeah I don't like what you're selling.
Insert funny meme about arguing on the internet
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What are my motivations? I'm glad they're so clear, as I thought they were just to say stuff is complex and this isn't the forum to express strongly held sweeping political opinions/judgements.

I've got my personal politics, I've steered clear of them here because it's not the place. If you think you have them worked out or that they're some kind of motivation here I'm telling you now, that's not the case.

lmao every single time. I suppose it's true nothing offends people more than the truth.

Was it not obvious when I said it before? You are acting as if you are sharing some great wisdom. In reality, we have all heard the schtick before. We get it already, the great JB1 sees all the shades of gray and we who have real opinions only see black and white. Yawn. You are free to dispense your lukewarm takes and I am free to call them tired, raggedy ass takes that belong back in 2014.
Actually although I'm really allergic to whatabboutism and bothsideism, especially since it's so often abused as a propaganda tool... I think 'the' middle east conflict is actually one of the few exceptions where it's actually fitting. Strongly supporting one side over the other is usually based on either a biased or limited selection of historical events... but the more you actually dive into the history, the harder a one-sided position becomes to sustain. Also makes it really frustrating because for some reason many people feel really strongly about it while having only a very limited or biased view of it.

What I found most depressing about it, is that it's one of those conflicts where, even if you actually take the time to really dive into the history, try to understand everything that happened and why, looking from both sides with an unbiased view, you end up understanding both sides and their actions, end up disliking spoilers and bad actors on both sides, pitying the good people that also exist on both sides, but still struggle to see a viable path towards an actual solution that would work for both sides.

What I do find fascinating though is the selective outrage. I barely heard a peep about the last Ethiopian civil war, even though more people died in a year than died in Israel/Palestine in the last 50 years on both sides combined. No one seemed to particularly mind that one. 🤷‍♂️
I just realized I need to stop saying actually so much. And this was after I already removed it a few times... *hangs head in shame*
I can’t even tell what people are arguing about enough to know whose post to like.

But yeah, I saw IG had a relapse of the anti-knife trawler net so I at least agree with OP that IG needs to get its act together.