Lefty Stay Aways

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May 8, 2020
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Pittsburgh, Pa
So I’m new here and I’ve just started my serious collection... and I know for a fact my next but is gunna be one of those Shigefusa Ku Nakiris when I can find one... but that depressing Kippington post on Assymetry and looking thru the classifieds and seeing for sales because the knife sucked for a lefty got me thinking...

there should be a list of stay away Brands/Models for lefties!

please post your horror stories here!
Fellow southpaw here. Uh yeah I’ve had to let go of quite a few knives that didn’t work for me. But vendors (especially JKI and CarbonKnifeCompany) and also custom makers have been able to get a proper lefty friendly knife in my hands.
I am also a lefty and shig nakiri owner. I love mine and have never had an issue with it whatsoever. I have thinned and modified it over the course of 4 years but not due to being a lefty.
The Jikko Ginsan line is extremely righty-biased.
I am also a lefty and shig nakiri owner. I love mine and have never had an issue with it whatsoever. I have thinned and modified it over the course of 4 years but not due to being a lefty.
Where’d you get yours? I know they prob don’t still sell them but it’s worth asking
The Jikko Ginsan line is extremely righty-biased.
That’s a HUGE bummer! After the shig Nakiri I was planning on getting a carbon 210 Gyuto, after seeing Mizuno doesn’t work for me I was starting to look at Jikkos. Major bummer.
actually seeing that WTS is what made me finally join this forum. I had been looking at mizunos for weeks and I was wonderinghow Many others are like that
I feel like you have a good chance of getting a 50/50 Miz KS if you can find one of the ones made without shinogi line, however it’s not guaranteed.
Check this miz out from CKTG. Looks like it would be pretty decent for a lefty.

Actually the more I look the more I second guess my eyes
Yea, that looks really similar to the one I sold. Flatish left face, lots of convex on the right. It's always a guess with choil shots, of course.
I got mine from jns a long time ago. I think they are in stock here though
If only I knew German... they def are...
there in stock on this site Dictum.de but that makes me nervous cuz it’s not like a knife shop

@soigne_west lmao no way man!
Hahaha I mean you tried @soigne_west! Kinda a good example of what I’m sick of. And a perfect example of you can’t just glance at a choil shot either.

my Yaxell is prob the best at food release, but on the other end it can’t cut for sh*t! It’s so thick behind and the edge it’s like driving a 1970s Cadillac only cutting. It’s a boat-grind
The other way would be useful as well: which brands are most lefty friendly. So far wakui, maz, masashi and tanaka have been pretty good to me I think, I know I want to try a takamura next. My munetoshi petty is close, I hand picked the more even one between two.

Seems sakai tends to have heavier right bias than sanjo.
The other way would be useful as well: which brands are most lefty friendly. So far wakui, maz, masashi and tanaka have been pretty good to me I think, I know I want to try a takamura next. My munetoshi petty is close, I hand picked the more even one between two.

Seems sakai tends to have heavier right bias than sanjo.
Have you seen the new KU masashis at cleancut? Pretty nice.
Have you seen the new KU masashis at cleancut? Pretty nice.
Yeah those are pretty, I like burnt handles over the yoshihiro ones, though their handles are pretty good too. I think if I were to go masashi route again I might go for the aframes updated profile sld.

I just want to try a 210mm red handle first, since it seems the pro is never in stock, and the only vendor that has a blazen 210 is burrfection lol. Wanna see if I'll like the 45mm heel in a slender size
Ahh okay that does look nice. I’m trying to figure out if the 240mm and 270 wh2 kasumi are also the new profile.
I might get one just to use while my shihan gets rehandled lol
Ahh okay that does look nice. I’m trying to figure out if the 240mm and 270 wh2 kasumi are also the new profile.
I might one just to use while my shihan gets rehandled lol
The new profile is only in 240 white, and the 210 and 240 sld. They list both the old and new, though that may have changed if they ran out of old profile stock. *270 sld too it looks like

His sld is pretty sweet, let my dad use one and hes like a pissed off orc with knives and the edge never really suffered.
Yes I had an SLD petty. Incredible toughness for such a thin edge and tip actually.
There was many an occasion where I thought I chipped the tip using too much force but nope it was fine.
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I actually love having a right hand bias. (Im right handed)
A few of you (Especially Labor) will defiantly be more knowledgeable than I with all that you have used.

my 2cents....

Stay away:
Mizuno (the couple ive dealt with)
Surprisingly my Mr Itou (though my wife is left handed, and its her knife, but shes not that proficient on the board)
TF's may be an issue
"Custom ordered" honyaki Gyuto from japan.

Shouldnt be an issue:
Takamura / blazen
I actually love having a right hand bias. (Im right handed)
A few of you (Especially Labor) will defiantly be more knowledgeable than I with all that you have used.

my 2cents....

Stay away:
Mizuno (the couple ive dealt with)
Surprisingly my Mr Itou (though my wife is left handed, and its her knife, but shes not that proficient on the board)
TF's may be an issue
"Custom ordered" honyaki Gyuto from japan.

Shouldnt be an issue:
Takamura / blazen

it really bums me out about Mizuno, esp cuz like my knife goals dream is a honyaki KS. I was really leaning towards the DX blue 1 as my next 210 Gyuto as well. His knives look so good and his process is real old school.

Ive been looking at Konosuke a lot too, although I don’t know what to make of the steel in the HD2.

Sukeneri might have to be my first foray into Honyaki, but that’s a bit down the road...