Monthly knife theme

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I’ll start into it this Thursday. I think it’s that fun. But there’s no reason not to accept a choice of challenges and to each their own. Let’s use the Poll to gauge the stats.

Well I do not count my main utilities in those challenges. So yeah there is that. My petties boning and bread are cheap stuff I grab without even thinking or so much fun.

I encourage anyone to do the same. It’s challenging enough to draw a short blade for a 10L batch of broth or go through 25 chickens.
@ZeeVee if you don’t start your Mayhem challenge into a thread I’ll need to do it for you.

Any other challenge with upvotes should get started.

Dramatisation: We’re closing on a first week by with nothing elected 🤪
You’ll mostly forget that taco-bread knife day on your deathbed… mostly.
After the success of All Rectangle March and 1 Knife April, forcing people to do more with less, we should consider Single Stone September.

Will it be your Shapton Pro 1000, to see the world from the beginner’s perspective? Or your favourite J-Nat capable of exhibiting 600 to 6000?

Master pressure, slurry, and lapping. No leather strops.
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So is July “Geriatric July” (serrated steak knives only) or “J-nat July” ?
My wife would love this. She still pulls out the serrated steak knives every time she cooks. And cuts the watermelon with the serrated bread knife.. in her words “I want the knife with the teeth because it’s easier”. It is a 14 inches so I’ll give her that, the length helps on the giant melons
My wife would love this. She still pulls out the serrated steak knives every time she cooks. And cuts the watermelon with the serrated bread knife.. in her words “I want the knife with the teeth because it’s easier”. It is a 14 inches so I’ll give her that, the length helps on the giant melons
Ditto. My wife cuts most things with a 6” serrated tomato knife. I’ve stopped trying to convince her.