Name That Movie from One Quote

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"Now, since your ass is on the line, sailor, I authorize you right now, to do whatever you can to aid in the arrival of the SEAL Team. Because if I goddamn can't control you, I might as well support you. Correct?

Main Character:
"That's affirmative, sir!”
..... maybe the best comedic scene in the movie.
"Mostly dead"? 🤔

Come on, miracle max and his wife were funnier than Vezini.

"This is a very noble cause sir, his wife is crippled, children on the brink of starvation" "Are you a terrible liar." "I need his help to avenge my father, murdered these 20 years" "Your first story was better".

"Mostly dead, is slightly alive. With all dead there's usually only one thing you can do.....go through his clothes and look for loose change"

"Goodbye boys, good luck stormin the castle." "You think it'll work?" "It would take a miracle" "Goodbye!!!"
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"Mostly dead"? 🤔

Come on, miracle max and his wife were funnier than Vezini.

"This is a very noble cause sir, his wife is crippled, children on the brink of starvation" "Are you a terrible liar." "I need his help to avenge my father, murdered these 20 years" "Your first story was better".

"Mostly dead, is slightly alive. With all dead there's usually only one thing you can do.....go through his clothes and look for loose change"

"Goodbye boys, good luck stormin the castle." "You think it'll work?" "It would take a miracle" "Goodbye!!!"
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
"Back there I could fly a gunship, I could drive a tank, I was in charge of million dollar equipment, back here I can't even hold a job parking cars!"
"That's my bad motherf*cker"
Pulp Fiction. I hadn’t seen it in years, but watched it again about a month ago. It holds up. I know Tarantino has made other good movies, with some great scenes especially, but this one bristles with such energy in almost every scene. Jackson was terrific, and Travolta (not my favorite actor) was great in a classic career come-back role. In fact, for me, the clunkiest acting was Tarantino himself, in a minor part.

I'm ready for my closeup, Mr. DeMille!
Sunset Boulevard. That one was an eye opener, as it was made long before my time. But what a great film: bizarre, ghastly, one-of-a-kind. Hollywood is in love with itself, but rarely produces such incisive and damning self-reflection.

"She turned me into a Newt!"
That’s a great line, but I like his next one even more: (a beat) “I got better.”
"Occupé. Occupé. Occupé"

Fyi, this is from “Alphaville”. It’s this French movie loosely about an AI that controls this city, called Aphaville. At some point the main characters meet the AI and are suitably impressed by its presence, and its voice, which is deep and full of gravitas. But then later on you see that the AI uses the same voice in various automated situations around the city, like to indicate which doors lead to rooms that are occupied (unprompted, we hear “occupé, occupé, occupé” as they walk down a hall) or free. I thought that was hilarious at the time, and for whatever reason it stayed with me, even though I haven’t seen that movie in like 15 years. Hopefully I’m remembering it correctly.
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Fyi, this is from “Alphaville”. It’s this French movie loosely about an AI that controls this city, called Aphaville. At some point the main characters meet the AI and are suitably impressed by its presence, and its voice, which is deep and full of gravitas. But then later on you see that the AI uses the same voice in various automated situations around the city, like to indicate which doors lead to rooms that are occupied (unprompted, we hear “occupé, occupé, occupé” as they walk down a hall) or free. I thought that was hilarious at the time, and for whatever reason it stayed with me, even though I haven’t seen that movie in like 15 years. Hopefully I’m remembering it correctly.
YeA, I couldn't figure that out..

Why is Ian quoting occupied there times in French?!?!? --- Was all I could wonder.
"Don't be messing with me, Lee. I will kick your a*s. I'll hit you so hard you'll end up in the Ming Dynasty. I mean it, I'll b*tch slap you back to Bangkok!"
"You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you."
Character speaking to class at Parent Career Day:
"Oh, it's all right, darlin'. I'm a volunteer fireman.

Okay, I am a semi-professional racecar driver and an amateur tattoo artist.

And the first thing you gotta learn if you're gonna be a racecar driver, is you don't listen to losers like your know-it-all teacher."

"Okay, I think that's enough..."

"See, the teacher wants you to go slow, but she's wrong, 'cause it's the fastest who gets paid and it's the fastest who gets laid."