It is very nearly impossible to make JNats not a rabbit hole, because stones of a given type vary so much. The usual plan is to start spending money, and then spending time with the stones you bought, to see what they are good for.
I have three Ohira Suita stones. One is maybe 3000-4000 grit, and works well for finishing kitchen knives to a typically toothy edge. One is so very fine as to be ridiculous for knives, but very nice as a razor prefinisher. Suitas tend to be fast for their grit, relative to other JNats, and a razor prefinisher that can make microadjustments in geometry while preparing an edge for finishing is a wonderful thing. The other is in between. Buy an Ohira suita, and you will get...something in this range...probably.
I have three Nakayama Kiitas. All are hard, and suitable for razor finishing. Not so much for kitchen knives. But I'm sure there is a lot of variation. I think Nakayama Kiita just means "a yellow stone from the Nakayama mine." So, not very specific.
I have a Chu Nagura, a big yellow stone that is perfect for this application. But I'm told that they are not all alike, and some would not be so perfect.
Unless you are seeking sushi edges, I suggest an Aizu. They vary also, but I have not heard of Aizus that do not make a wonderful toothy edge for a kitchen knife.
For any of these, starting from your 3000 grit edge would be reasonable, though you could go straight from the 800 to an Aizu.