Shig contact details..

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deleted the professional blame taker
KKF Supporting Member
Feb 9, 2018
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As the current Shig downpour is very regionally and not bringing the steel I need/want (easy to mix up want with need) I am leaning towards taking the plunge and try ordering a Shig 210 Santoku or Gyoto with a flattish profile.

I have not been worthy of finding any pathway to the master, is there a secret passage at a certain railway station that I need to pass and does anyone care to share it's locations so I can start solving the puzzle allowing me to contact someone in the shop?
With JNS, you have to be there ready for whenever the master calls. Refresh your attention constantly when you hear rumors of his upcoming appearances on IG. His guidance is only available to those who swiftly answer his intermittent beckonings.

Also need to pay attention to threads such as "Knife findings" and "Shig alert".
yeah I tried the JNS email alert, only to find that logging on when hearing the beep that an email came in is not fast enough, I think it is a conspiracy...and it does not help that I don;t do social media.

I'm going to try to find the source of the river Nile.
there has to be a passageway...I mean I cannot imagine they do not have a conduit or admin handling selling their stuff to the world. How do dealers get their knives from him, some do sell the lesser items that must come to them somehow, I expect it's far too much time consuming to handle all the requests or even distributing what they make somewhat evenly to have one of the three chosen ones to handle it.

visiting them in Japan is the only way to custom order?
I am sure there are intermediaries, but you will not manage to make really 'direct' order. Whether they will accept a custom order is an entirely different question. Given the demand being at all time high, I would be surprised if they would. Should you manage to place an order - expect a few years long waiting times.

Your best chance is to start a WTB thread and have loads of cash at hand, or have something very desirable for a trade.
I have been told to expect like 2 years...not sure how and why that came about, I'll investigate.

I hear you on the WTB, the cash is not the issue but I have a problem grossly overpaying for stuff. The best desirable I can put against a Shig is all audio related and very very 'specialistic' niche stuff most folks do not recognize let alone appreciate so cold cash will likely be involved.
before being let into the secret I probably have to swear to kill anyone I share it with without prior permission ;-)
Not that I'm a 210 owner, sold it many years ago, but is your audio stuff in another thread? A separate hobby of mine...
I wrote a tiny bit ina thread about speakers, and some in what are you listening to...

Klangfilm is my poison, and currently engaged in building a Bionor prototype with three fullrange 13' units

bionor romy.jpg
Amazing, I bet you could teach me things.

One final thought...if your product has been in high demand for decades...and sells out within an hour at your merchants...custom work is not a reality.

Not that you need the notoriety and attention, your considered a master at what you do and do not need others input. Other knife makers, as good as they are, are not as blessed.

Just my opinion.
I think my Bionor project is completed sooner than my Shig project, perseverance pays off, good things come to he who is patient and more platitudes like that...
Thought I'd share my experience. I have a friend in Japan,who helped me order through Yoshizawa a year back. The waiting time then was 2 yrs, and I ordered a 240 Kitaeji gyuto. If you are interested in the price feel free to pm me.

My friend called in to place the order,and they verbally confirmed it. No email,no order confirmation slip. Just their assurance that it is confirmed,and wait for them to notify my friend. They do ship overseas,or at least to Singapore where I am, and accept payment by PayPal. Here is the link
i heard it’s like a Santa Claus thing, you have to catch Mazaki as he’s making the Shig delivery to Maksim or whoever. Then you recite the binding spell and yell BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA. You tell him your order and your knife shows up at your door in 2 years ... with no shipping label or postmark on the box. Even if you’ve moved in the meantime.
i heard it’s like a Santa Claus thing, you have to catch Mazaki as he’s making the Shig delivery to Maksim or whoever. Then you recite the binding spell and yell BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA. You tell him your order and your knife shows up at your door in 2 years ... with no shipping label or postmark on the box. Even if you’ve moved in the meantime.
that sounds cool!
i heard it’s like a Santa Claus thing, you have to catch Mazaki as he’s making the Shig delivery to Maksim or whoever. Then you recite the binding spell and yell BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA. You tell him your order and your knife shows up at your door in 2 years ... with no shipping label or postmark on the box. Even if you’ve moved in the meantime.

Tell me your Christmas wishes, Shig, Kato, Toyama, Watanabe, whatever 🎄
The location of the Shiggy factory isn't a huge secret. Getting in is a different matter. I read somewhere some hopefully chappy turned up at their door only to be ignored and turned away. A fistful of Yen might grease the wheel, especially if you can work with a intermediary like Maksim. GL though, I don't think you're first to have the dream.