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if you also use a userscript extension like tampermonkey and a css stylesheet injector like stylus, you can browse your favorite sites almost without compromise
Look, if you go to a three-star website, then you are there to experience the web designer’s creativity. The ads they serve you were carefully chosen to be part of the whole experience and if people start running adblockers then what’s next for us as a society? Bringing our own salt shakers and hot sauce to restaurants? The horror, the horror
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yeah it is pretty much like setting up your own cook space in their dining room and asking the waiter to bring you ingredients from the kitchen
If you are developing a recipe, that doesn’t use ingredients that are salted and you’ve got measurements for the various spices, and then say “season with salt and pepper to taste” I hope an irate puffed up 2 Michelin star chef shoves an old school diner style salt shaker up your urethra.

I clicked on your article or bought your book for the best version of your recipe. I’m willing to let salt be given as a range to accommodate people who’s hearts will explode if they get too much or those of us who have to add extra to everything, but pepper is a seasoning. If you are giving a bloody amount for paprika you had better give me an amount for pepper or I may as well wing the riptootin’ recipe because why should I trust anything else you wrote in the recipe?
If you are developing a recipe, that doesn’t use ingredients that are salted and you’ve got measurements for the various spices, and then say “season with salt and pepper to taste” I hope an irate puffed up 2 Michelin star chef shoves an old school diner style salt shaker up your urethra.

I clicked on your article or bought your book for the best version of your recipe. I’m willing to let salt be given as a range to accommodate people who’s hearts will explode if they get too much or those of us who have to add extra to everything, but pepper is a seasoning. If you are giving a bloody amount for paprika you had better give me an amount for pepper or I may as well wing the riptootin’ recipe because why should I trust anything else you wrote in the recipe?
But people normally don't measure pepper, I think? It comes out of the grinder kind of all over the place, so it's natural to just grind it over the food, not into a measuring spoon or something. So people are used to doing that, and they just kind of know how much will work for them (unless it's recipe for a dry rub or something). I don't know, seems ok to me.:flippingpan:

[Edit. How about this compromise: if the amount of pepper in the recipe actually matters very much, then specify the amount, otherwise write the recipe how you want?]
Seriously though, footnoting for computer pedants only –

This dredged up an old memory that one of the original design goals for CSS was for end-users themselves to specify preferred presentation. Wikipedia agrees:
CSS facilitates the publication of content in multiple presentation formats based on nominal parameters. Nominal parameters include explicit user preferences [emphasis mine] – from Wikipedia on CSS

So the debate, as I see it, is fundamentally ontological: do salt and pepper fall into the category of "content" or "presentation"?

This reminds us of Postel's law:
be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept

Cooperatively allowing end-user configuration is how we end up with this compromise:
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plain soda (seltzer) is the best soda.

nothing hits harder than some bubbly after a junky meal.

also, i will totally ask for a water cup and fill it with seltzer. i got no shame in my game. i firmly believe the rule is broken only when you steal the syrup. pay for CO2? come on, man, i exhale that ѕhit.

so why the f is the syrup bypass lever disappearing? i hardly see it anymore.

i guess part of it is that self-serve fountains are getting less popular. also, there are different styles of fountains now.

but even the OG style pictured above doesn't seem to come with the SODA lever at a lot of places anymore. Culver's, for example, only has the WATER lever on the lemonade tap.

anyone have any insight on this?

i suppose the explanation is that my opinion is an unpopular one? 🤷‍♂️
View attachment 262158

plain soda (seltzer) is the best soda.

nothing hits harder than some bubbly after a junky meal.

also, i will totally ask for a water cup and fill it with seltzer. i got no shame in my game. i firmly believe the rule is broken only when you steal the syrup. pay for CO2? come on, man, i exhale that ѕhit.

so why the f is the syrup bypass lever disappearing? i hardly see it anymore.

i guess part of it is that self-serve fountains are getting less popular. also, there are different styles of fountains now.

but even the OG style pictured above doesn't seem to come with the SODA lever at a lot of places anymore. Culver's, for example, only has the WATER lever on the lemonade tap.

anyone have any insight on this?

i suppose the explanation is that my opinion is an unpopular one? 🤷‍♂️
All those drinks are way too sweet. If I get soda, I like to dilute them like 4:1 with soda water.
That really depends on the quantity. The problem isn't sugar itself, the problem is people consume ridiculous amounts of it, and usually when they have 0 need for it.
If you look at a lot of animal studies, switching from sugary to light versions often doesn't really solve your problems. Simply drinking water would.
Yes I don't think switching to diet drinks will suddenly make you lose weight. I know it can actually increase cravings for sweet things. However personally, I'm able to handle my 1-2 diet cokes a day, while still being able to control any sugar cravings. Would personally rather the little amount of artificial sugar vs 40g of sugar per coke, although I do enjoy one on a rare occasion
Yes I don't think switching to diet drinks will suddenly make you lose weight. I know it can actually increase cravings for sweet things.
Yeah thats really the main problem... and I've seen too many studies indicating it screws with metabolism too. Switching stuff like mice from sugary to diet often comes with issues.
The Aspartame is rated 2B as carcinogen tho, same group as coffee. Lower than wine, red meat and processed meat
Yeah should have worded that differently... but basically the issue is that going towards light drinks isn't necessarily a much better choice. Drinking water is.
Red meat only gets on the naughty list because almost all studies add processed meats in with red meats.
Switching stuff like mice from sugary to diet often comes with issues.
Although that might be true, chances are that the sugar is much worse than any issues you might encounter.
Even leaving calorie intake and obesity aside, processed sugars severley mess up your gut microbiome which causes more issues than you´d like to have.

As easy it is to get used/addivted to sugars, as easy it is to get out of that habit.
Just takes some discipline and common sense.
Sweet cravings? Eat fruit, have some honey.

That is not to say that you can´t treat yourself once in a while...
Honey is a little bit healthier than sugar, but not by a lot. It still contains 82% sugar.
Thanks for adding that!
Despite of all its healthy substances, honey is of course almost 82% as bad as sugar.
I did not want to say it is super healthy.
Just eat things moderately, enjoy whatever you like in moderate amount. (Probably not for cocaine tho)
Exactly, or "the dose makes the poison".
Even almonds can be killer! ;-)