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I'm not the person you're imagining, and I would never use the term "plowing." For a better sex life I'd recommend going to therapy over any type of physical improvement - you don't even need a partner. I'm sure you're right that raising children is more terrifying and rewarding than anything else on earth, though I'll never know. But I thought we were talking about cars 😅
I apologize, I should not have gone off like I did and I regret belittling your experiences.

For what its worth, I don't think you are some strange karma sutra cult weirdo. I imagine you are someone that is just very close and connected to your partner.

BTW- there is a lot to be said for a quick plow though 😁
Couple of my fun rides in the past.


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You're right, caring about knives is lame too. I like knives but I don't care about them. Most arguments here are about what cuts better, sharpens easier, etc. How many arguments on car forums eventually turn towards attacks on masculinity or identity? I don't see that here.

Knife people don't typically define themselves by their knives the way many car people do. Guitar people can be a bit like this but not as bad in my experience. Gun people are interesting, many beginners are toxic but over time they become mellow nerds. In my limited experience car culture seems like the worst (maybe because almost everyone drives a car? a larger pool of potential a holes). Of course I'm stereotyping - anyone can like these things and be reasonable.
one definition of care:

  1. 1.
    feel concern or interest; attach importance to something.
If you have an interest in it, you care about it. So you care about knives.

It sounds as if your personal experience is with those who care more about status than automobiles. They might as well post a picture of their bank account balance on instagram.
I'm using the second definition, "attaching importance." It's not important that I like knives or which knives I like. To some people, "real men play gibsons not strats" - that type of caring is lame no matter what the subject is.
You might be right, but debating the difference between electrics is like debating flavors of bottled water 🤐 can you tell I'm an acoustic guy?
I would imagine in the future cars will lose appeal self driving why even own one. Use mass transit. Even the younger generation now is more into new tech not like a bunch of older car crazy guys.

I liked sailboats had a Hobie 16. Sailed on boats that I could never own. Enjoyed open ocean sailing between islands.

Same with surfboards owned several types for diff. conditions. A truck not only to get to work, but to haul surfboards & surf ski kayaks.

Strapped ice carving tools to back of motorcycles cuz free parking at hotels where had jobs. But did enjoy biker friends. Kimo's house drinking beer oil, engines, gasoline, all that good stuff.
To some people, "real men play gibsons not strats" - that type of caring is lame no matter what the subject is.
I know nothing about guitars other than real men only play les paul. Haha. If someone says crap like that seriously they are expressing a prejudice not a feeling of caring for the object in question.
Guitars are just tools. What really is important is the guitarist. You can say that a guitar is greatest if it was played to its peak by Eddie Van Halen, Dick Dale or Stephan Paul. Its the master that brings out the qualities.
Guitars are just tools. What really is important is the guitarist. You can say that a guitar is greatest if it was played to its peak by Eddie Van Halen, Dick Dale or Stephan Paul. Its the master that brings out the qualities.
Wrong thread? Or is this an unpopular opinion? What happened to cars and raising children?
I jumped on the guitar bandwagon because I was bored. Either way, guitar people always compare who makes the best, so I threw out that it is the player, not the instrument.
in that case, Wusthofs are the greatest because they were used to their peak by Jacques Pepin
Does anyone complain about his creations or technique? If the blade didn't work for him, he would have used something different.