what are you drinking tonight?

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Noticed that these were bottled around the same time (April and May 2019), so had to do a side by side. I'm not picking a winner, they're both delicious. Drinking them with smoked kingfish and cream cheese.:letseat:
Noticed that these were bottled around the same time (April and May 2019), so had to do a side by side. I'm not picking a winner, they're both delicious. Drinking them with smoked kingfish and cream cheese.:letseat:View attachment 284681
NICE, I HATE lambic, unless it's properly aged....makes for a super drink with certain food, Geuze Lambic is the mixed product and that can taste quite nice, but also better when aged.

My goto beer supplier has a large collection of both, and I plan to dig into that soon!
Anderlecht, Brussels district...

(manneken pis)
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I haven't tried Lambic yet. Very few options here and I've been a little scared of the ones we have. :)
Give it a try! It's not that much weirder than kombucha. At least in Seattle (e.g. Bottleworks) or Portland (e.g. Belmont Station) there should be options, maybe look for ones from 3 Fonteinen, Tilquin, Girardin (Black Label), Boon, and Hanssens.
Give it a try! It's not that much weirder than kombucha. At least in Seattle (e.g. Bottleworks) or Portland (e.g. Belmont Station) there should be options, maybe look for ones from 3 Fonteinen, Tilquin, Girardin (Black Label), Boon, and Hanssens.

Thanks. I know you were trying to be geographically helpful, but I do my level best to stay far away from both Seattle and Portland. :)
Was out for a company Christmas dinner yesterday, and as a nice gesture for some extra work I'm putting in on a project I was allowed to pick a bottle of something special from the wine card.

One of the best things I've had to drink in recent memory.

Was out for a company Christmas dinner yesterday, and as a nice gesture for some extra work I'm putting in on a project I was allowed to pick a bottle of something special from the wine card.

One of the best things I've had to drink in recent memory.

View attachment 286430
if that is a Vosne-Romagnee you made a great choice
if that is a Vosne-Romagnee you made a great choice
As far as I know, Echezeaux is a neighboring commune to Vosne-Romanee. Several producers own fields in both. Label was scuffed but this producer is Nicole Lamarche.
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As far as I know, Echezeaux is a neighboring commune to Vosne-Romanee. Several producers own fields in both. Label was scuffed but this producer is Nicole Lamarche.
yeah you're right, it's right next door!
I can totally believe it was in your top wines, the few Vose-Romanee's I've had were stellar
So who is going to take one for the team?

Yes, it's apparently a real product.

“My goal was to recreate the entire experience of opening a bag of Doritos, getting that signature aroma, followed by its flavor dance across the palate with its unmistakable savory, cheesy, and umami notes,”

Happy to watch you taste it while I sip my Sazerac.