Which stainless <$300 180mm bunka/santoku/k-tip

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Jun 20, 2023
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So in looking at my collection, I seem to have a mid size stainless gap and am looking for a cheaper easy stainless knife that I can use for quick tasks and not wipe, or something to bring to other peoples houses to use and not worry about too much. Prefer 180mm because not always sure how much space I'll have and it will be for smaller tasks. I think I'd prefer a ktip but not 100% sure. 45+mm height if possible. Ok with a laser but preferably nothing too delicate. Thinking about:
gesshin ginga 180 santoku
https://www.japaneseknifeimports.com/products/gesshin-ginga-180mm-stainless-wa-santokuhado k-tip santoku-
https://knifewear.com/products/hado-sakai-do-ginsan-bunka-180mma shibata?
I will defer to you all who know much more --what else is a good option?
Hatsukokoro Hayabusa Ginsan is a simple no frills laser that you can grab for around 100 or less. I have the 210 and found it to be very good for the price.